GUISE, check out (dis)infowarz
"online trolls to raid epstein island"
Just a word of caution from old fag.
Remember what Q said:
only the THOUGHT of satan is real.
We don't need to follow up every insane thought these pedos have. It is enough to know what they want and that they are sick.
Please stay away from discussing if it's this alien or that alien or moloch or baal deity these creeps worship.
We dig, we meme, we twat. That's enough.
Be careful of the space alien and satanistic (muh joos) slides. they're always distracting us from the real stuff.
Talk about raiding places has NO PLACE here. We can not, should not, will not do illegal things. That is beneath us. Remember msm and abc's are always lurQing here.
Let's be on our best behavior.
alex fucking jones is always around to get some moar clickbait.
Have a wonderful Sunday, frens