Anonymous ID: ad9b05 July 21, 2019, 9:57 a.m. No.7121302   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watch This Movie: It's Not About Sides, It's Not About R v. D:

Krysten Sinema Sure Seems Like the Most Conservative Senator AZ Has Had in a Decade

Sinema’s argument essentially boiled down to “I’ve changed.”


Maybe she was telling the truth?


Sinema has been one of the only Democrats to vote on Trump’s judicial nominees fairly, bucking her party to confirm many of them. She’s led work to help veterans and she shunned Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “wear all white” stunt at the State of the Union.Now, she’s helping lead the fight for asylum reform, something the rest of her party scoffs at.


“This pilot program would apply to families who aren’t claiming ‘credible fear,’ which of course is the first threshold in seeking asylum,” Sinema told The Arizona Republic.“If someone says ‘I left my country because I can’t make a living,’ (or) ‘it’s hard to take care of my family’ — that’s what we call an economic migrant.”


If implemented, the pilot program, dubbed “Operation Safe Return,” would speed up the vetting process, giving Border Patrol 15 days to make a determination about a person’s asylum claim.


Agents would interview the asylum seeker to determine if the person truly is afraid of returning to his or her home country. Border Patrol would have three days to make the determination. If the illegal alien doesn’t have justifiable fear then they’d be immediately deported.


The above is called common sense. If Border Patrol were allowed to adjudicate asylum claims in just 15 days, it would completely solve the border crisis. The Flores Agreement would be rendered moot because it only applies after 20 days, the overcrowding would cease, and we’d be able to quickly deport people who clearly have no legal right to claim asylum.


Calling Sinema the most conservative Senator in AZ over the past decade is half tongue in cheek, but only half. Where’s Martha McSally? Why is she not leading this effort? The only time we’ve been given proof of life on her is when she came out to condemn Trump over some forgettable comment months ago (so forgettable I can’t recall what it was). McSally is currently bottoming out in fundraising and looks to lose two different Senate seats in as many years. I have nothing bad to say about her as a person, but as a campaigner, she’s been really bad.


Also, is anyone missing Jeff Flake about now? Would he have had the guts to back something like this? I highly doubt it. I’m not even sure John McCain would have supported such a hard line on asylum reform.


Maybe Sinema’s change is all about just making sure she can win re-election? That’s fine by me. Whatever it takes.

Anonymous ID: ad9b05 July 21, 2019, 10:03 a.m. No.7121353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1380

Inherited Wealth Is A Son Of A Bitch:


Lawyer for man accused of killing mob boss: He was in a delusional state

Gottlieb had already served notice to the court that he planned to use a mental illness defense in the case. The new filings give prosecutors notice of the issue of self-defense.


“Mr. Comello grew to believe that several well-known politicians and celebrities were actually members of the Deep State and were actively trying to bring about the destruction of America,” Gottlieb stated in court papers filed in state Supreme Court in Staten Island.


Gottlieb explained in his filing that the “Deep State referred to a global cabal, a concept espoused by 'QAnon',” which the attorney described as a conspiratorial fringe right-wing political group that Comello supported.


But Comello’s support of QAnon developed in a delusional obsession that led him to believe he would be protected by President Donald Trump, Gottlieb said.

Anonymous ID: ad9b05 July 21, 2019, 10:13 a.m. No.7121434   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cyber Security Death Prt (idk) 9?

Annapolis tech executive killed when Alaska flight crashes, family injured

Alaska State Troopers identified the deceased man as Joseph Patanella, 57. The critically hurt child was flown to Anchorage for treatment, along with two other family members.


Seven people were aboard the de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver at the mouth of Tutka Bay near Homer. The others who were on the floatplane appear to have non-life-threatening injuries, troopers said.


Patanella was traveling with his wife and three children as well as an adult male relative, according to officials at South Peninsula Hospital in Homer. Reports initially said there were four children on board.


Patanella was the CEO of Trusted Knight, an Annapolis cyber security firm, and a former National Security Agency technologist. In 1998, he left the agency, based at Fort George G. Meade, to form TrustWave Corp,, an Annapolis information security firm.


He sold the company to a Chicago firm four years later for for about $63 million.


Neither family members or company officials could be reached for comment.