Anonymous ID: f04eb5 July 21, 2019, 10:04 a.m. No.7121368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1463

>>7120633 pb notables

>>7120168 pb notables

Hold it, anons! See what's happening?!

This is the smoke and mirrors, blurred vision PR campaign beginning. The MSM agenda with Egg Man and Co.

Articles keeping Potus right there with BC to Egg man. Now, throwing in the Wall Street crowd, too.

This is bullshit! This is the spin! Don't fall for it.

'Everybody was involved in Egg Man's pedo shit!' as if being a pedo is some universal quality.

That's going to be the push.

The trade in LNKD was 800 fucking shares bought 3 1/2 months before the announcement. Total haul? Maybe 20 grand? That's not a story. That's a head fake with an fucking agenda.

Keep it straight. No need to facilitate the MSM trying to complicate it and implicate 'everybody!'

a. Egg Man flew pedos on Lolita. Stick to the logs.

b. SDNY has shit going against Egg Man in NYC. Let's hope the perp walks start soon.

As a notable said yesterday, 'Maintain Situational Awareness.'

Anonymous ID: f04eb5 July 21, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.7121503   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't be offended. The purpose of the article is insider trading.

That is not an issue. No one should care if Egg Man made $20K on a trade.

That is diversion. That's going to be the purpose of any agenda-driven press - muddy the waters and divert away from pedophilia and child sex trafficking.