Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:04 p.m. No.7122285   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Obama Met With Big Tech to Censor The Internet


The big tech censorship is a result of Obama’s legacy. On January, 20th, 2017, hours before Trump’s inauguration, Obama signed the “Talent Act of 2017” bill into law. After Trump’s inauguration, 0bama left D.C. The first thing on his agenda, immediately after President Trump’s inauguration, was to meet with the tech giants in California. Thus empowering multi-national corporations to bypass our First Amendment and ushering in Big Brother censorship:


Internet censorship neither by government nor by media


President Obama recently decried the “wild west” media atmosphere in which outlets are “pumping out all kinds of crazy, toxic stuff.” He called for a “curating function” whereby media would be filtered for “truthiness.” The First Amendment forbids government to so curate, so he was suggesting that Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other major aggregators filter information before letting it reach the masses’ less discerning ears.


Obama’s Final Bill Invites Silicon Valley Innovators Into Unelected Government Positions — Under the Trump Presidency

January 30, 2017


Last week, mere hours before Donald Trump’s Inauguration, President Barack Obama signed, while he was still President of the United States, one final bill into law. Again: this was Pres. Obama’s very last bill.


The bill, known rather obscurely as the TALENT Act of 2017, is a last-minute codification of an existing program called the “Presidential Innovation Fellows Program.” This program was initially created as an executive order under Obama, in 2012, to bring private industry innovators into government agencies.The hope of this now-extended bill, according to supporters, is to combine the best of Silicon Valley’s technology-savvy thinkers with the slower-moving professional bureaucracies of Washington.

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.7122302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2524 >>2714 >>2861 >>2949

They have 9 ways to enslave us. We do not have 9 lives with which to escape.


It might feel like convenience. It might look like progress. It may seem to be good for the economy. It may convince you that we need more protection from terrorists. But the ‘It’ I’m talking about – universal digital purchase via smart plastic – is nothing less than the transfer of all our citizen rights to the all-embracing ruthlessness of technocratic corporate States. This isn’t science fiction: it is the coming triumph of inhuman fact.


The reasons why banks, governments and security bureaucrats want to move away from cash to digital plastic as the world currency form have changed in intensity and number over the last forty years. In some sort of roughly chronological order, they are as follows:


  1. To reduce the costs of security, transport and storage involved in the printing and distribution of physical cash

  2. To reduce the cost and increase the margins involved in offering instant credit

  3. To increase the velocity of plastic use, which acts as a permanent ‘invisible’ stimulus for purchase, and thus help in maintaining steady gdp “growth”

  4. To make it easier for State treasuries to track and tax sales in what had previously been the “black” (unseen) economy

  5. After the 2008 banking crisis, to help banks increase margins on credit, given the higher rates and service charges levied on credit and debit cards

  6. To facilitate direct banking bailins using “creditor” (aka customer) deposits electronically….thus removing the fear of bank runs on cash should confidence in bank solvency deteriorate

  7. To reduce resistance to tax demands at all levels by using direct electronic withdrawal of citizen funds

  8. Similarly, to enable globalist energy, health and service entities to offer credit via smart plastic with similar rights to irresistible use of consumer bank deposits

  9. To ensure eventually that every adult owns a digital smart card for every purchase they make, thus providing an instant fix on their location for security agency surveillance purposes.


Looked at overall, we can see from the above that the motives for the move from physical to virtual in terms of “money” have been, variously, more banking profits, more credit dependence, more citizen feelgood factors, higher tax takes, reduced citizen power to object to the foregoing, and reduced ability to oppose an amoral corporate State.


Over the next twelve years at most, the emphasis of power between the citizen and an increasingly technocratic corporate surveillance State will move from being one where we have the choice not to pay, to one in which they have a carte blanche to steal.

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:07 p.m. No.7122309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2524 >>2714 >>2861 >>2949

In past 18 months, illegal aliens in N.C. have been charged with 1,172 child sex crimes


Being in the right place at the wrong time. That describes the plight of any law-abiding American citizen who has been victimized by a criminal illegal alien. Liberals will protest that the crimes inflicted on these citizens could have been committed by anyone, but that misses the point that illegals aren’t just anybody. They don’t belong here in the first place, a point that Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi — the leaders of the Democratic party in Congress — openly conceded until recently, when they began cynically seeing the warm bodies inhabited by illegals as potential votes.


Another argument the Left clings to is that illegals account for only a small portion of the violent crimes committed in the U.S. But that myth has just been debunked.


The Epoch Times reports that “in North Carolina, during the past 18 months, more than 331 illegal aliens have been charged with 1,172 child rapes and child sexual assaults.”…


James Johnson, who tracks the data on his website (North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement), says he is only able to gather data from 30 of the state’s 100 counties, which means it’s likely the statewide count is significantly higher.


Latest: This is what women who regret their abortions want other women to know


Johnson has tracked rapes and sexual assaults on children by illegal aliens since 2013, using original police reports and calling arresting agencies to verify immigration status. His data doesn’t cover every month, but for the 54 months he has recorded, an average of 34 illegal aliens per month were charged with 151 counts of raping or sexually assaulting a child in North Carolina.


The grim news gets grimmer. According to the article, data compiled by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center show that only 12% of child rapes are ever reported, which means the total number could be far greater.


The problem for North Carolina is aggravated by the fact that six counties in the state have enacted sanctuary policies meant to shield illegal aliens from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.7122356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2917

FLASHPOINT 2019: Neocon Warmongers Pushing the USA Into Another War for Israel


The United States and Great Britain Collude with Israel to Force Iran into a Regional War

Neocon Zionists Determined to Foist Regime Change on Tehran Even if it Starts World War III.


The Trump administration has already committed several acts of war against Iran by way of illegal and offensive economic sanctions designed to cripple their economy.


This highly aggressive behavior is nothing short of warmongering and President Trump knows it. In point of fact, he appointed a war cabinet specifically to prosecute an illicit war against Iran.

Mike Pence — Vice President

John Bolton — National Security Advisor (United States)

Mike Pompeo — Secretary of State

Gina Haspel — Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Dan Coats — Director of National Intelligence

Steven Mnuchin — Secretary of the Treasury

Mark Esper — Secretary of Defense (Nominee)

Jared Kushner — Senior Advisor to the President

Elliot Abrams — United States Special Representative for Venezuela

Elan Carr — Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism


What few understand is that theTrump administration is covertly working with London and Tel Aviv every step of the way on this deliberate path to war with Iran. See: UK, US and Israel Collude in Setting Up Naked Provocations to Justify Attacking Iran


The Neocon Zionists who occupy numerous key positions throughout the administration were appointed for the explicit purpose of overthrowing the Iranian government. John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Gina Haspel, Steven Mnuchin, Jared Kushner, Elliot Abrams and Fred Fleitz and now Mark Esper together constitute a full-blown war cabinet.


This group of hardcore warmongers will stop at nothing until the democratically elected government of Iran is replaced with a “Vichy government”. Only when a Western-groomed puppet leader takes over in Tehran will Trump’s Neocon Mafia be satisfied.


It’s critical to understand that the Neocon Zionists are quite deliberately executing a clandestine plan for the regional supremacy of the apartheid state of Israel. That covert scheme was originally known as the Oded Yinon Plan but it has since been greatly expanded into the catastrophic Greater Israel project.

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:13 p.m. No.7122373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2408 >>2524 >>2714 >>2861 >>2949

Two Decades of China Persecuting Falun Gong


Practitioners are subject to forced labor, torture, and organ harvesting


July 20 marks 20 years of China cracking down on the practitioners of Falun Gong. The State Department's second Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom was held this past week to coincide with the anniversary. A report from the Falun Dafa Information Center outlines the depredations believers have suffered.


The report, titled "20 Years of Persecution & Resilience," details how Falun Gong went from a fast-growing spiritual discipline with more than 70 million members in 1999 to an underground movement in China.


Violent targeting of the Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999. The report says the "size of [Falun Gong's] following made communist leaders fearful of losing control of the people's hearts and minds. Its guiding principles were not compatible with communist ideology, which the Party had forcibly imposed on the Chinese people during the Cultural Revolution. In addition, certain communist officials saw Falun Gong as an easy target and used its vilification as a tool for their own political advancement."


Images in the report document brutal scenes of persecution: An artist named Zhao Ye detained for handing out Falun Gong CDs was tortured with high-voltage electric batons at a forced-labor camp. A man named Tan Yongjie had a red-hot iron rod pressed into his legs over a dozen times. Another image shows practitioners creating flyers to expose state-media misinformation about Falun Gong.


The report outlines the various forms of persecution used by the government.


"For the past 20 years, practitioners and their families have been under constant surveillance," according to the report. "Phones are tapped and computers traced. Having plainclothes policemen surveil their every move remains a common experience for many practitioners in China."


Those who are captured are usually put in forced-labor camps, where they work 18-hour shifts and suffer torture, "such as shocking with electric batons, burning with irons, tying the body in painful positions for days, force-feeding saline solutions or human waste through a plastic tube inserted in the nose, and prying out fingernails with bamboo pieces."


The report states that "millions [of Falun Gong] have been abducted and held in labor camps, prisons, makeshift detention centers, or ‘black jails' (a network of extralegal detention centers where individuals are held without trial)."


The government also employs forced indoctrination and brainwashing in its persecution efforts.


"Brainwashing centers pumped visual and audio propaganda into the minds of practitioners for days on end until they could no longer tell their own thoughts from those manufactured by the state," the report says.


Evidence also indicates Falun Gong and other prisoners of conscience have been killed for the sake of harvesting their organs.


"A growing body of evidence indicates that Chinese hospitals have been colluding with the country's police in a nefarious scheme known as ‘organ harvesting.' They hold prisoners of conscience against their will, often illegally, examine them for organ compatibility, and then systematically remove their healthy organs to supply transplants for a booming organ transplantation industry. Their bodies are cremated, according to eyewitnesses. The vast majority of prisoners of conscience targeted in this manner are believed to be Falun Gong practitioners—possibly running into tens of thousands annually," the report states.

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:23 p.m. No.7122448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2480

Epstein the Satanist?: Will Australia Ever Investigate Its Role? (warning, graphic material)


Editor’s note: The articles and materials below, some of them unfit for children to see, depict what was done to children in Australia, the United States, Britain and is being done around the world.


This story alleges that the world is run by a satanic pedophile ring, just like the one we tripped over with Jeffrey Epstein, a story now being shut down in the US, one that leads not only to the White House, but beyond, touching every American institution.


It seems, and we now assume we can support this hypothesis, that the satiated bored and powerful, not just those affiliated with the American Israeli organizations around Epstein, this is much larger than that, turn to pedophilia and eventually child murder within a system of worship outlined to us years ago by Fr. Malachi Martin.


Martin, who was personal assistant to Pope John XXIII, said the Vatican had been taken over by Satanic child killers many years ago and that the pedophile and child butchery scandals now plaguing the church are a part of that.


It all came to the surface during the Reagan administration but the material below places Nixon at the heart of it. We have no evidence supporting this, but we are certain about those surrounding Reagan and Bush 41 and, past that, the entire Bush 43 administration.


Then we get to Britain…where the problem is, or we believed, much worse. Now we are told it is the same everywhere.


Mehran Keshe sent us on the trail of pedophile rings run out of Belgium and the Netherlands, which first spread across Europe, then to the US to the highest levels of power. VT broke the story but the best coverage photos come from InfoWars.


Increasingly, it appears that America’s power elites, names few recognize, many philanthropists funding cancer institutes, building children’s hospitals, holocaust memorials, billionaires with “socialite” wives, all mass killers.


Their work here, using very real evidence, substantially supports the allegations made below. Disturbing read, sickening drawings, please make sure children are out of the room when you scroll down.


Long and very graphic article

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:27 p.m. No.7122490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2524 >>2714 >>2861 >>2949

“Zionists Last” – With Respect, a Commentary on “Israel First" Article


By Robert David Steele


It looks bad. Very bad. But as I wrote recently on Full Disclosure in Tehran Times (no US media will publish me because I am the foremost voice against Zionism (not to be confused with Judaism) and the Zionists control both our mainstream and social media ecologies), our President should not be under-estimated. The Ron Paul Institute and the Rutherford Institute, among others, are about to get major grants, and a series of massive lawsuits will be filed by the end of the year that will begin the process of taking down both media platforms that censor and manipulate information; and agents of a foreign power that actively subvert federal and state due process. At the same time a new media ecology will be created, possibly including the Conservative News Channel (CNN is for sale at rock bottom price), and an INTEGRATED blockchain based federation of capabilities that guarantee individual anonymity, identity, privacy, and security while enabling collective sense-making. The President will be armed with a Trumpet that can reach 180 million such that he can leave Twitter, but he will also be armed with a Dashboard that allows him to “fly” the USA by visualizing what everyone is thinking — not something that his campaign or the White House comment line or the secret IC have been able to give him.


The media is controlled — and many of them are pedophiles and/or have pedophilia entrapment videos being held against them (you can be drugged into a pedophilia entrapment video without actually being a pedophile, but it is an acquired taste that grows stronger with assumed impunity and easy access to children such as Jeffrey Epstein provided.


Witness the joke below. How many people at NYT, Washington Post, Forbes, Bloomberg, Atlantic have to be controlled pedophiles to kill a story?

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.7122504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2521 >>2560

IRGC commander: Trump lied big on shooting down Iranian drone


A senior commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says US President Donald Trump was lying big-time when he claimed that a US Navy ship had shot down an Iranian drone.


Commander of the IRGC’s Aerospace Division Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, made the remarks after a meeting with Iranian lawmakers at the Iranian parliament on Sunday.


Last week, Trump claimed that a US ship had shot down an Iranian drone in the Strait of Hormuz.


Trump added that the USS Boxer fired on the drone last Thursday, four weeks after Iran shot down a US surveillance drone flying over Iranian waters near the Strait of Hormuz.


“The Boxer took defensive action against an Iranian drone, which had closed into a near distance, approximately 1000 yards, ignoring multiple calls to stand down threatening safety of ship and ship’s crew,” he said at the White House on the same day, claiming that Iran’s drone “was immediately destroyed.”



“The lie told by Trump was so big that we believed it at first that they had been able to shoot down one of our drones,” Hajizadeh said.


“After Trump's allegation about downing an Iranian drone, we checked with various [Iranian military] units several times…because we could not believe that he would tell such a big lie to the media himself,” the IRGC commander added.


Hajizadeh then said, “This is why we waited a few hours before rejecting the news and finally noticed that out unmanned aerial vehicle had monitored the activity of the [American] strike group before reaching the Strait of Hormuz and after getting out of it.”


The Iranian commander then noted that the Americans then blamed Trump's hawkish national security advisor for the lie.


A few hours after Trump's allegation, Iran moved to reject his claim with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyyed Abbas Araqchi saying in a tweet, ““We have not lost any drone in the Strait of Hormuz nor anywhere else.”


He added, ““I am worried that USS Boxer has shot down their own UAS by mistake!”

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.7122597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2609 >>2714 >>2861 >>2949

Moscow Is Home to the World’s Third-Largest Number of Billionaires


The Russian capital has 71 super-rich residents, behind New York and Hong Kong.


Moscow ranks third among the world’s cities for its number of billionaire residents, after New York and Hong Kong, according to a recent study from real estate agency Savills.


Sergei Kiselyov / Moskva News Agency


Forbes’ real-time ranking currently lists 607 billionaires in the United States, 99 in Russia and 71 in Hong Kong.


Savills said Moscow has 71 billionaires, New York 85 and Hong Kong 79. Beijing was next on the list with 61, followed by London with 55.


“It is no coincidence that many of the cities with the largest number of billionaires are also among the most expensive in the world for ultra-prime residential property,” Savills said in the report.


Still, ultra-prime residential property values in Moscow have fallen over the past five years at the second-fastest pace after London, and now stand at $2,410 per square foot.

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:40 p.m. No.7122612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2714 >>2861 >>2949

Flap Erupts on Whether ICE Deporting Criminals as Claimed


WASHINGTON—An academic group that uses official data to track government programs claims only a tiny portion of individuals deported from the U.S. earlier this year were removed due to criminal convictions—a claim that Immigrations and Custom Enforcement (ICE) denies.


“Despite the administration’s rhetoric of deporting ‘criminals’ from this country, the latest data from the Immigration Courts through June 2019 shows only 2.8 percent of recent Department of Homeland Security (DHS) filings based deportability claims on any alleged criminal activity,” the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University said in a report made public Friday.


“This is way down from the emphasis on deporting criminals that prevailed a decade ago,” TRAC said in its report. The group uses the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain official data from multiple federal agencies across a wide spectrum of activities, then releases regular reports based on statistical analyses.


The report Friday was based on data obtained from filings in federal immigration courts by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) ICE.


By comparison, more than 16 percent of deportability claims filed in 2010 were based on alleged criminal activity, according to TRAC.


President Donald Trump said July 12 that multiple raids were being launched by ICE agents across the nation aimed at finding and removing individuals involved in criminal activities.


“It starts on Sunday, and they’re going to take people out and they’re going to bring them back to their countries. We’re focused on criminals as much as we can, before we do anything else,” Trump said.


No numbers for how many deportations have resulted thus far from the raids have been made public by the government, but the TRAC report raised questions about the credibility of official immigration statistics.


“Similarly, even the number of Immigration Court filings citing criminal grounds is way down,” TRAC reported. “Despite the rising number of ICE interior arrests and individuals who are detained, fewer and fewer immigrants in the Immigration Court’s growing workload are being cited as deportable based upon criminal activity.


The total of such cases during the first nine months of the federal Fiscal Year 2019—October 1 through June 30—only 7,458 cases were filed, TRAC said.

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:42 p.m. No.7122625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2650

Iran Urges UK To Rein In 'Deep State'; Germany Warns Of "Uncontrollable" Escalation


Iran’s ambassador in London warned on Sunday that the UK government must get its "domestic political forces" pushing for regime change under control or else the two countries will face dangerous escalation. The public statement came two days after the British-flagged Stena Impero was boarded and captured by IRGC commandos, and over two weeks after the tanker Grace 1 was seized by UK Royal Marines off Gibraltar.


Iranian Ambassador Hamid Baeidinejad urged via his personal Twitter account that continued pressure on Iran would be "unwise" given that Tehran stands “firm and ready for different scenarios”.


The ambassador said the UK government must “contain those domestic political forces who want to escalate existing tension between Iran and the UK well beyond the issue of ships” — in what appears a reference to the UK defense establishment and its allies at think tanks like the neoconservative the Henry Jackson Society and others, and powerful oil and weapons gulf allies like Saudi Arabia.

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.7122632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2666

Schiff Reveals Deep State Plan – Says Trump Could be Indicted After Presidency, ‘He is Not Above the Law’


House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) admitted that the real plan to ‘get Trump’ will be when he leaves office.


Schiff called Trump an “unindicted co-conspirator” during his appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday and said the SDNY should indict Trump after his presidency for campaign finance violations.


Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York on Wednesday wrapped up their probe after investigating the Trump Organization over a potential campaign finance violation because Donald Trump paid 2 women ‘hush payments’ in 2016.


There is nothing illegal about making hush payments and the prosecutors concluded their investigation with no new charges.


But Adam Schiff says the SDNY should re-open the investigation after Trump’s presidency so they can indict him.


Schiff says that if Michael Cohen went to jail for (non-existent) campaign finance violations, certainly Trump should as well because he was the one who directed Cohen to make the payments.


Schiff says that the only reason why Trump hasn’t been indicted yet is because of a legal opinion by the Office of Legal Counsel that a sitting president cannot be indicted so the DOJ will just have to wait until Trump leaves office.


“[Trump” is essentially a unindicted co-conspirator — he has been identified as ‘individual one’ as the person who directed Michael Cohen to commit this fraudulent campaign scheme,” Schiff said, adding that this means the case will be reopened when Trump leaves office, providing the statute of limitations has not run.


The Justice Department will have to weigh whether to indict the former president. From my point of view, if the evidence supports that, he should be indicted,” Schiff said.


“He is not above the law — I think the DOJ will have to seriously consider reopening the case if that’s what it requires and indicting him when he leaves office.”


Barack Obama violated campaign finance laws when he took in millions of dollars from foreign donors and he was slapped with a huge fine. No one called for Obama to be jailed, but Orange Man bad.

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:45 p.m. No.7122653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2687 >>2848

Syrian Army Uncovers Laser-Guided Tank Rounds And Other Weapons In Al-Quneitra


The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) uncovered several weapons caches during recent search operations in the countryside of the southern governorate of al-Quneitra, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on July 21.


The weapons caches included four 3UBK10M 100mm rounds armed with 9M117M anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs). The SAA armed its upgraded T-55AMV battle tanks with these advanced rounds. This explains their origin.


The 9M117M, known as Bastion, is guided by laser-beam riding. The ATGM has a maximum range of 4,000m and the ability to penetrate more than 600mm of rolled homogeneous armour (RHA).


Besides the four 9M117M rounds, the weapons caches contained mortar rounds, rocket-propelled grenades as well as ammunition of different calibers. Israeli medical supplies were also uncovered by the army.


The SAA has intensified its search operations in southern Syria since the beginning of this year. Loads of weapons and ammunition, some Western-made, were captured.

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.7122705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2841



UK Media Found ‘Russian Trace’ In Recent Tanker Seizure By Iran


On July 20th, the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) released a video showing how the UK-flag tanker Stena Impero was captured.


Following that, British media began to stir hysteria, that actually the British tanker was steered towards Iranian waters to be captured by false GPS coordinates sent by “Russian spy technology.”


This was reported by the Sunday Mirror, which citing anonymous security sources aid that the GCHQ and MI6 were investigating whether Iranian intelligence transmitted spoof signals to the skipper of the Stena Impero.


According to reports, a Royal Navy warship attempted to assist the tanker, but it arrived “10 minutes too late,” to do what exactly in Iranian territorial waters is unclear.


“The tanker was still in Omani waters when the orders were sent, but by the time HMS Montrose arrived the Impero had been redirected into Iranian waters.”


How that happened, when according to initial reports there was no distress signal and the Stena Impero’s tracker was turned off.


Anonymous security sources said that Iranian drones may have tampered with GPS signals.


They told the Sunday Mirror that investigators will look into whether there is a technological footprint – and whether western spy planes in the area picked up any suspicious signals.


An unnamed Western security source said:


“Russia has the technology to spoof GPS and may have helped Iran in this venture as it was extremely brazen. It would make British shipping extremely vulnerable and will be of grave concern to Royal Navy warships in the region.


The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Russian intelligence have worked very closely in Syria, protecting and promoting their interests.”


Of course, Russia’s involvement can’t happen without “evil overlord” Russian President Vladimir Putin’s approval. And the “evidence” that such a meddling may have taken place is that MI6 and other Western intelligence agencies have discovered that Russia has the technology to fool ships into false location recordings.


This relates to an earlier report which found out that wherever Putin goes, GPS stops working.


So, it could potentially “make sense” (surprisingly how UK media haven’t come up with that yet) that Vladimir Putin was on some private cruise vacation in the Persian Gulf and that’s why the Stena Impero moved into Iranian waters.


“British commanders are surprised by the brazen and confident nature of the seizure, which adds weight to the possibility of GPS interference.”


The former head of the Royal Navy, Admiral Lord West, demanded convoys be deployed to support ships travelling through the Gulf to prevent Iran seizing more vessels.

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 12:56 p.m. No.7122754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Sobran: The Jewish Establishment (1995)


How does a tiny country like Israel control the most powerful country on earth, the USA? Israel is the Rothschild's personal fiefdom - their army, nuclear arsenal and secret service. The Rothschilds produce US currency out of thin air in the form of a debt to themselves. The US and all countries could do this themselves debt-and-interest free. The Rothschilds must enslave mankind in order to protect this scam and collect on their "debt." This is the essence of Communism. The US is the Rothschild's bitch. Indeed anyone who wishes to succeed must be a witting or unwitting collaborator in the Rothschild's scam.


For essays like "The Jewish Faction," Joe Sobran, an editor at the National Review, was fired. No country that allows its banking system to be controlled by its arch enemies can expect to remain free. The world has been colonized by the central banking cartel using Freemasonry & Organized Jewry as its instruments. Sobran says "Jews" think they're persecuted when in fact their leaders persecute mankind. This has become evident as Westerners see their cultural values, freedom and security eroded, and genocide promoted by migration and miscegenation.


"At any rate, Christians knew from the start how the Tribe felt about them, and nothing has changed since then except that today's Christians have become remarkably naive about it. Christ tells us to forgive our enemies, but he doesn't ask us to pretend that they are our friends… "


The Jewish establishment, it hardly needs saying, is predominantly secularist and systematically anti-Christian. In fact, it is unified far more by its hostility to Christianity than by its support of Israel, on which it is somewhat divided. The more left-wing Jews are faintly critical of Israel, though never questioning its "right to exist" – that is, its right to exist on terms forbidden to any Christian country; that is, its right to deny rights to non-Jews.


A state that treated Jews as Israel treats gentiles would be condemned outright as Nazi-like. But Israel is called "democratic," even "pluralistic."


Explicitly "Jewish" organizations like the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League enforce a dual standard. What is permitted to Israel is forbidden to America.


This is not just thoughtless inconsistency. These organizations consciously support one set of principles here – equal rights for all, ethnic neutrality, separation of church and state – and their precise opposites in Israel, where Jewish ancestry and religion enjoy privilege. They "pass" as Jeffersonians when it serves their purpose, espousing rules that win the assent of most Americans. At the same time, they are bent on sacrificing the national interest of the United States to the interests of Israel, under the pretense that both countries' interests are identical. (There is, of course, no countervailing American lobby in Israel.)


Americans ought to be free to discuss Jewish power and Jewish interests frankly, without being accused of denying the rights of Jews. That should go without saying. The truth is both otherwise and unmentionable.

Anonymous ID: 2c18a8 July 21, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.7122998   🗄️.is 🔗kun

1 Timothy 6:17


17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.