>>7122197 pb
first i want to say that i am not taking any sides for or against. the reason i keep coming here is that it is actually a place where a wide variety of people with many different views can come and look at each others arguments and sauced reasonings and do their own research. that said, i am looking into things relevant to this board that i have been researching for decades. a lot of it touches on the history of the usa and the role played by occult groups that flocked here in the revolutionary era after having being kicked out of various european states. the jesuits and sabbatean jews in particular. to me it is not fundamentally a racial thing, it is an ideology and the practices that go with it. behind the masons are the templars. the templars were known and rumored to have traffic with the muslims and to engage in pedophilic and homosexual perversions as a key element of ritual. they used octagonal baptistrys and 'baths' as a key element of their iconography. they were the first recorded devotees of the baphomet. so bringing this to the present day, what i notice is that people like aj are considered by many here to be mossad related. obviously the msm is also widely distrusted. but what concerns me most in light of kappy and tracy twyman's death is the plethora of 'alt-media' figures that claim to be investigating 'the occult' but somehow seem to be uniformly coming down as: pro-crowley, pro-masonic, pro-occult generally, pro-blavatsky, pro lsd and dmt (leary, john c. lily, r. a. wilson). they are constantly promoting basically the same type of 'new age' bs that has been demonstrably linked to the masonic fraternities and UN. many are very unquestionably looking to these 'alt-media' people for direction and answers. finally i want people to consider 2 possibilities: 1. people like springmeier and cathy o'brien are part of a dark strategy to serve as lightning rod for mkultra survivors who are seeking help and are actually there to get them back under control at the moment when they are pondering exposing what they know. 2. the exposure of the dark occult is actually a conscious part of the plan to traumatize mass populations in the final stages of the plan. what would happen if people became aware in a short space of time that 3 major world religions and both political parties are inextricably tied to this occult cabal? this is the two heads of the eagle (dialectic). like the templars/saracens they are working to the same purpose.
boildown: be careful who you follow. try to be aware of the potential for trauma that arises as an effect of the 'great awakening'. try to be as fact-based and concrete with everything as possible and avoid tactics that just polarize people more and herd them into an artificial us/them category.
thanks anons for all you do. i know we are all fighting inner battles while trying to wake ourselves and others up.