Anonymous ID: 7987a9 July 21, 2019, 1:01 p.m. No.7122807   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Going through the ES JA transcript


He's talking about WikiLeaks operations vs DoD or Pentagon and explaining the paradigm


Transcript Line #1717 reads like QR


>JA: Where they internally were highly organized, they have their contact sheets, they have an internal mail system, and they have their command and control structure where they can task people and recruit resources and pour them into things, and they have people available to spend on us. Maybe there is ten thousand. So, that's, in that particular case, the people who are pushing against us. On the other hand, on our side, we have millions of people around the world who support us and support our values, who are on the other hand traditionally completely atomized. There is no command and control structure, they are not able to effectively coordinate with each other, and so on. So that's the starting condition, but of course, an organization starts to form with these people as they find each other locally. And as they discover each other they become optimized, that network of nodes starts linking up and becoming more and more efficient at comprehending its environment, planning for action and then acting. So in some ways… we have plans to potentiate that. They are probably out by then. So we are going to take these graphs of several million supporters, and, do you know what simulated annealing is?


see picture and keep reading