Anonymous ID: 79355f July 21, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.7123619   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You do realize they are going to indict (probably already have but under seal) essentially every major politician including theit bullshit governor and banker in Puerto Rico for corruption, right?


Money laundering, bribery and drugs.


It's a precursor to the real US citizen onslaught of the same theme. A lot of governors, attorneys general, congressmen, senators AND bankers.


The PR effort is essentially an A/B test to help the administration (military intel) know how to calibrate and message the larger effort. All without impacting any real Americans at first.

Anonymous ID: 79355f July 21, 2019, 2:13 p.m. No.7123794   🗄️.is 🔗kun



There are two main acts in Live Another Day:


Margot Al-Harazi gains control of six US drones and uses them to attack London.


Cheng Zhi attacks his former country China with hijacked American weapons bringing the two countries to the brink of war.


Major subplots


Jack Bauer disapproves of the group Chloe O'Brian has joined.


Margot Al-Harazi grows suspicious of where her daughter's loyalties lie.


James Heller tries to manage a crisis amid the onset of Alzheimer's disease.


Mark Boudreau opens himself up to blackmail by forging Heller's signature.


Kate Morgan has been led to believe that her husband committed treason by selling state secrets.


The head of the CIA London station, Steve Navarro, is conspiring with the leader of Chloe's group.


CIA analyst Jordan Reed's hunt for answers puts his life into jeopardy.


Circumstances reunite Jack and Audrey after nearly a decade.


America's plans for a treaty are derailed when they lose control of their own weapons.


Cheng Zhi partners with the Russians who are looking for Jack.