>What is the purpose of mediation,
"bridge" between self/cosmos, unconscious/conscious
creating those connections (between places, people, things)
>repairing bridges
reestablishing those connections, that had been broken or cut off
>dental analogy re Epstein chair
"dental bridge" = crown + fake tooth (not a crown, just there) + crown
>dental analogy P and C
C = crown and chair ??
<chair = throne (Stone of Scone)??
P = prince ??
SEE: Q post >>884858 8-3-18 #998
>The "Chair" serves the Master.
>Who is the Master?
>P = C.
>bridge-crossing (cross, multiple meanings)
to go from one state (of being, or of location) to another, one group (or side) to another
<international sex trafficking
<rituals to change mental/spiritual state (for power & control)
>P = C
<power = control?
>Control ("the Chair") serves power?
breaking the link(s) between people/orgs/networks/places
>what is the purpose of a pathway
general purpose is means to move soneome/something from one place to another
>difference between different types of pathways, see form, function, moar
different applications, different levels (elevated pathway vs ground level, can extrapolate to levels of society),
>(bridged) pedestrian/vehicular/residential pathway
move from one place to another while avoiding traffic or danger
>commercial pathway
conception/design, manufacture, transport, sales, profit
>industrial pathway
design/conception, logistical manufacture, transport
>intelligence pathway
connecting dots (data points) to create picture of networks, plans etc.
>military pathway
plan + logistics to triumph over enemy
RC behind the camera, taking photos of prominent people in locations in which they can then be placed (at a specific time) for the future. The BRIDGE is the links between them, their connections to each other & activities. No possible plausible deniability; "burned bridges" will not help them (eg DB cutting ties w/ Epstein). PATHWAY from one travel log, photo, event to another connecting people to Epstein & co and those activities.
>Apply to graphics.
Balding man in foreground is BRIDGE (over obstacles, transitioning between opposites of the sex slavery ring, the attorney).
Bridge shown in far left of photo (circled in red, linked in red to purpose of bridge & follow the ATTORNEY), not sure what type of bridge it is; also bridge of boat behind men circled in red.
>How many bridges in photo?
attorney (balding man), one far left behind man in sunglasses (circled in red), bridge of boat behind them (also circled in red).
>How many kinds of bridges?
pedestrian (I think, can't tell from photo)
ship's bridge
attorney (bridge between sides of sex trafficking ring)
>Camera held on the level?
seems like on dock, or also wading, hard to tell really
Question implies close contact with men, not a far away shot (long distance) also not much difference in height (slightly lower) than men
>Shadows of unseen ship?
I can't see that in the photo, except maybe to the far left (off camera), as shown with additional man (in graphic) top left (black linking it to "follow the ATTORNEY")
>Q asked about 3 obserervers (at least) Follow [ ] Pic taker
RC would be logical choice
>Who "behind the camera"
>What does it mean to be behind something, someone, some place, some activity
backing, sponsoring, facilitating, sometimes from a position out of public view
>Rear view, front row seat, chair <-> master?
Different view from "behind" (backing)
front row seat = sidelines watching but not necessarily participating
chair <-master = control & power in mututal relationship
>Captain, navigator, pilot, able "seaman"
Captain = plots the course, has the responsibility, is the one in charge, commands from the BRIDGE, where he can see clearly
Navigator = responsible for correct course from A -BRIDGE
Pilot = steers the plane, in control of craft & crew but not necessarily in charge of passengers
able "seaman" = staff who can do job competently, follow whatever directions given, make corrections as needed and adapt tasks as needed
Photographer (RC?) present by command of captain to record the networks of people involved with Eptstein/activities, placing them in time and locale to deny plausible deniability in the future. Attorney/s are the bridge between different sides of the sex trafficking ring. The captain is also on the height (bridge) where he can see the whole ocean (ring and those within in); minions ("able seamen") facilitate from behind (back).
Probably not all of it but there is some.
Is this close? Totally off the mark?