Anonymous ID: adbd93 July 21, 2019, 1:36 p.m. No.7123143   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dude, you lost me at "40% accurate information."

Every anon knows that's the WRONG NUMBER!

Next time, read the crumbs a little more thoroughly. Womp-womp.

Anonymous ID: adbd93 July 21, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.7123282   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The stupid fucking thing about shills like this is that they entirely miss the REAL result:


While Anons are "under" they are learning… A LOT!

Learning about the history and game play of ALL the actors in the current sitch.


Guess what?

Anons formed their OWN opinions!


Guess what?

Anons know who YOU are and what to do with OR without a Q member.


Good luck! You'll need it, as the game have changed….. FOREVER!

Anonymous ID: adbd93 July 21, 2019, 2:11 p.m. No.7123756   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How the hell is JP not publically condemned as a racist for this photo?


He CLEARLY is referencing the "14 words", and that OBVIOUSLY is an overtly Christian fish!