(repost from pb)
Hey Q - more declas nonsense and excuses? And all POTUS does now is tweet about Israel
We made a deal.
You drop info, we dig on it, gather it up, organize it, and then be ready for when these topics find the news.
This anon thinks you're not holding up your end of the bargain.
I signed up here for results, namely swamp draining. I'm not seeing any, and your drops have been pretty fucking lame for months.
You had the nerve post drop 3350, that we should "be ready" - how tone dead are you? Do you know how long we have been ready?
Take a look at Twitter. Few people are doing extensive digs anymore, people are not examining the drops anywhere close to, say, a year ago, and you're losing the faith of many of the large handles.
Anons, did any of you realistically believe that this "plan" wouldn't start to unfold in a public way before the midterms? And then we all said that we had to wait until AFTER the midterms with that word "optics" that always seems to find a point of convenience like "disinfo is necessary." Here we are with a full 4 year election cycle looming, and still almost NOTHING.
All of us are being humiliated by our friends and families for hanging onto this blind faith machine, and we have all sacrificed a lot to participate.
To string us along like this no longer stands up to scrutiny in the face of the support waning on Twitter, the demoralization of many anons here, the BO fuckery, the lack of substance in the drops, and this President being slow walked thru his first 4 years. In addition, his dumb ass tweets about 4 pieces of shit in congress and boundless energy to defend Israel.
All this while, our country is being invaded, not a single arrest of note of a political figure, RGB still stands and Roberts is there giving us the finger, the IOG report is now delayed to the fucking fall (if ever at all we see it), no DECLAS, no Barr, no election reform/report, Lindsay Graham doesnt do shit, we spend 3 days shitting our pants over a baby at a rally, Twitter still banning us, and 10 year old drag queens are being paraded around TV.
Don't tell us to be ready. We made a deal, hold up your end and get this fucking shit moving. We're running out of time, I've already run out of patience.