The human minions who were motivated to pursue eugenics were, I believe, manipulated by demonic evil that influenced them whether or not they realized it. The end game is not a "superior" group of people, but I believe, a completely destroyed humanity which no longer bears the "image of God" or in which as much of the "resemblance" is lost. I think this is why the vicious attack on heterosexual marriages and normal family structure. Whatever Margaret Sanger may have thought she was doing, she was merely acting to destroy human beings, there was no effort or ability to produce "better" people. If she'd had godly motivations she would have sought to improve the conditions for the poor and minority not kill them under the guise of family planning. Not critical of your post, just reflecting on what I've realized.
I really like Corey's Digs they are excellent and honest. Glad to see them here.