A very worthy notable a few breads ago, on the Eric Schmidt and Julian Assange transcript. Also in attendance, listening, and asking questions were notable Deep State players within the Obama and HRC State Depts. The subject covered are remarkable. Very worthy reading to understand the mindset of the globalist. At times the honesty is evident, and other times reading between the lines is required. Most notable is the extent and depth of existing and or potential compromise and corruption hanging over the entire lot. Within that sphere of unlimited power they feel, it is easy to just go with it (corruption) without a moral compass, or having a perspective not more than a few hundred feet above your head, or a sense of history. Some interesting parts (I think) are included here. Very telling, how they think.
Link: https://wikileaks.org/Transcript-Meeting-Assange-Schmidt#1454
But but, what about that awesome watch image? Did that not excite you, of the possibility of someone being so close to the President posting here? Gasp, it excites me so! In all honesty that's what I'm here for. Watch porn and celebrity dreaming. Meanwhile, every day that passes without an arrest or something actually HAPPENING, at least 20 children are ritually sacrificed (or so we're told).
Don't forget how stupid (((they))) are. Or how in control Patriots are. Words mean something to people who care about all this. I fucking HATE being jerked around. Despise it with my entire being. We're here to rid the world (the US is a good start) of the jerks who do nothing but jerk all of us around. So why are we jerked around is my question? FUCKING TAKE OUT THE SCUM JERKS ALREADY! They're stupid anyway.
That's my biggest fear: the people we've been led to believe are in control and will be doing the heavy lifting are afraid. Hand wringing away their days on our dime.
Awesome disinformation. Conspiracy porn at it's best.