Soon fren. Cant sauce anything other personal shit. In it from birth, I was born into power. I stand alone now, completely shunned and ostracized, because of childhood rejection. Trust me …fren…some things are better left unsaid…it will come out, as most of it already has been, even for the unbelievers. Godspeed fellow anon, we push forward together. Guard your heart, things are coming that will cripple the commons…its really bad….but must happen. This is the beginning…..finally. Now, all can see, for themselves, what is real and what is fake.
Wasn't without cause, I paid a price….as we all do.
I've been lurking since 02 18, so had to start from the beginning. Absolutely amazed that I was able to watch prophecy unfold, and finally see justice.
All roads do not lead to Rome, thay actually lead to Babylon,..which Rome is the gatekeeper. True jews(hebrews) are mainly not a part of Israel or zionistic views…what we call jew now aren't even bloodline hebrews, they were hijacked by another semite tribe(info attainable). Hitler was ,at first, an opponent of the cabal, which is why history was written against him…to send the clear message(DO NOT FUCK WITH US). And, it has worked. The enemy may claim jewish roots, but it is only to sway emotional responses to Christians.
The bad jews are a continuance of Babylon teachings, which is why Catholicism has always fought with them…its not about moral truth, its about power. Everything points directly to gadriel, or what people calm satan….he had a name. Lucifer is a title, which he lost in the fall(before humanity was even conceived). Theres truth in every lie, but theres not a drop of lie in true truth.
We are brothers and sisters, fighting a spiritual battle,…unseen but very felt, and we need each other….the light comes from up above, look up fren, you are truly LOVED. I pray your peace is ever lasting, and humbly ask forgiveness for not being man enough to do what Q and Q+ are doing.
God bless this country and all military and patriots, both are intrinsically intertwined, for what is to come