Opinion time. I’ve talked about this before and here’s the recap:
Declass is a big chip in the game (the plan, the DC two-step) and it will be reserved for the time it is most needed and/or most effective. It won’t be tossed away before Mueller testifies, as the msm will just go with the pre-planned Mueller/Dem theatre plot line and ignore declass. If the Mueller testimony fizzles and the House Republicans cook his goose for good, it won’t be played this week.
If it isn’t needed, IMO declass will be saved for indictment unseals or trials - or at a time needed during the 2020 election cycle. The longer this goes on, the more likely I think “declass” is a threat the Q team is holding over the Democrats to reign them in a bit.
I want to see declass ASAP, but I believe someone wants it held back until it is most effective or most needed.