>>7125342 PB has nothing to do with heat you Fucking Retard it has to do with Electric usage AC's HDTV's PC's Washers & Dryers Fridge's , Fans
Jack Murphy
Co-Founder (link: http://TrendingPolitics.com) TrendingPolitics.com | Co-Owner
| Political Commentator | Digital Marketer | 22 Years Old | #AmericaFirst
you really going to believe a 22 year Old Incel is going to know what is about too happen ??
BUT Mommmy Boys it is not because of heat HDTV's Washers, Dryers, Fridge's PC's don't run because it is 94 you fucking Inbred. Go back to flat Earth jerking off
well that's if you still believe the Wet Fart Q
Isakkson fell 3 days ago welcome to Thursday Night