exodus 20 (holy bible)
filter is an option….if senstive to certain ideas..use ….no problem…..–id only if use id + ..shil technique leech to patriot cool idea and lose both…so onnly id filter
they did…better suggestion …stop goin to therepy
reconcile….heart knows
if mueller ..decide for truth …for god and country …to come clean …he wil make back stage pas deal.with patriots…easy….sneezy……..all other options = shadow lurker fleeing light….so be it…
plantin the feilds…narrative…follow fake news ..as guide …of course not truth….what a wicked weave they weave
bull run..giddity up …round 1
u been spookied to long ..peeky booer
i am real yeahua messiah lover…jesus th e christ lover
bossy black hat they stay a lurker
shillies do the thugin…like antifa pimple cover…..
8 hours is dedication….
true….that makes that cat ..shifty
manager walks into factory and al the blue workers are hangin from the rafters…manager says wht u blue workers doin hangin from rafters…blue workers say ….we are lights….manager says get out of here ..ur fired…….green workers follow the blue workers out …the manager says….why u green workers leavin?….green workers say….u dont expect us to work without lights do u/
kindergarten at its finest
jackson heights ny…town house meetin with aoc
negative..if positive …would need use that planned