Anonymous ID: 84492d July 21, 2019, 6:09 p.m. No.7126339   🗄️.is 🔗kun

LB, dont remember the post #, phonefaggin here…


It's not Magnetic Azimuth Detector. It's Magnetic ANOMALY Detector (aka MAD Gear).


Worked in USN ASW for many years, I 10000000% KNOW this to be the correct nomenclature.


And it implies an entirely different meaning.


Your basic premise is partly correct

Anonymous ID: 84492d July 21, 2019, 6:23 p.m. No.7126493   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I've beem waiting to see someone else raise the general topic. Answer is yes, there are civilian drones capable of this flight duration and photo quality but they are higher end.


Prolly not a financial issue for Droneanon. Anyone who can extended stat in that neighborhood has real jack.


Interesting note is that altitude restriction for civilian drones is 300 ft AGL. Judging from some of the footage that ceiling may have been busted a teensie-weensie bit…but i ain't tellin'. Besides I'm perty sure there's no FAA types lurking around LSJ and question whether the higher ups would even care in that forlorn airspace.