Anonymous ID: 8ddbfb July 21, 2019, 6:09 p.m. No.7126342   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7125730 (PB)


I think they did… There was a horribly crappy cell phone pic of someone being nabbed…


Everyone called B.S. (as did I) until it was noted over a year later her and "we don't say his name" were both wearing similar medical boots.


It was suspected that they were for a time wearing those leg tracker thingys…


The rumor on an overseas website (for which I have no sauce) suggested HRC had nuclear kill switch and was released for our sake.


If that part about the nukes sounds crazy, consider all the moves Obama took against the US armed forces, especially the boys running the nukes. They could do nothing right according to him and his cronies and they were put through a blender.


I would bet a dollar if you had an old supply roster and did a comparative inventory of our current nukes, mainly the small tactical type. We might be slightly more terrified what's really going on..


I took me two years of lurking to know/understand what I just typed.