yeah but it's funny. But only the first 100 times.
unless you do it in such a manner that the current goes across your heart. but that pepe is holding the fork in his right hand, so the current (however briefly) wouldn't pass through his heart.
>Looking forward to the Mueller testimony.
I'm looking forward to the cabal going to jail & then some for their crimes.
At this speed, I'm thinking October-ish at the earliest, for the BIG BIG arrests. YAWN. I hate illegitimate government.
oh you're a bot?
>Increase tax revenue for local governments.
Increase loot plundered for local thugs.
>Create $585 million in new taxes for communities among the pipeline route;
That should read $585 million in additional theft.
he said placeholders start going active in August. or did you miss that?
>it means "excessive interest"
actually it is currently defined as "the illegal action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest."