>>7126833 LB
every single
Every single 'dirty' tactic
>>7126833 LB
every single
Every single 'dirty' tactic
'Secret Societies' speech
On April 27th 1961, Kennedy gave a speech to the American Newspaper Publishers Association in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York. Aside from being a particularly good example of Kennedy's grasp of rhetorical pathos, it's become exceptionally popular amongst online conspiracy whackjobs, almost exclusively because Kennedy uses the term 'secret society' on one occasion, and makes reference to the US being opposed around the world by a "Vast right-wing monolithic and ruthless conspiracy," which relies variously on "infiltration instead of invasion," "subversion instead of elections," "intimidation instead of free choice" and "guerillas by night" to "expand its sphere of influence."
Versions of this speech are all over YouTube with ridiculous titles (e.g. "JFK blows the whistle on 9/11") - the speech is generally quote mined down from its original 20 minute length to a pithy 5 minutes (some are as short as a minute or two) which focuses on the juicy when de-contextualised statements listed above, but they're invariably so poorly edited that the speech doesn't actually make much narrative sense (although it's certainly a credit to Kennedy's aforementioned grasp of highly charged rhetoric that he can sound convincing and purposeful even when what he's saying is incoherent). All in all, said videos command a combined viewership of several million.
Depending on what theories you subscribe to, JFK was referring to one or all of the following - the CIA, the Fed, the FBI, the Illuminati, the New World Order, 9/11, Mossad, MI6, Freemasons, Israel, Skull & Bones Society, Big Government and so on. However, many conspiracy peddlers seem to be in agreement that it was this speech that led to his assassination.
It should come as absolutely no surprise that Kennedy was talking about something totally unrelated to any of the targets just mentioned (although, ironically, JFK's statements about the behaviour of this enemy are directly applicable to the actions of the US throughout the Cold War period). Additionally, for a speech that supposedly threatened the powers that be to such a degree that they had no recourse but to assassinate Kennedy in cold-blood two and a half years later, verbatim text transcripts of the speech in its distinctly non-scurrilous entirety (and a full audio recording) are freely available in numerous places on the web.[5] A brief read or listen of the oratory in full reveals that Kennedy was clearly speaking in reference to the Soviet Union, and it's due to their own generalised idiocy (ignorance of the logistics and history of the Cold War, ignorance of the use of terms like 'closed society' and 'Iron Curtain' in political discourse, etc.) that conspiracy theorists believe differently.
JFK Secret Societies Speech (full version)
Was JFK's comment on "secret societies" a statement against the "NWO"? I searched this famous quote and finally found the full unedited written transcript and audio of this speech.
JFK was actually talking about current events of the cold war and how nontraditional enemies were gaining information on how the US was battling this war. In this speech JFK actually points out "the need for far greater "official" secrecy"…as well as "the need for a far greater public information".
JFK admits "I have no easy answer to the dilemma that I have posed," but also states, "and would not seek to impose it if I had one." This a major difference from where todays elected officials stand.
Address, "The President and the Press," Before The American Newspaper Publishers Association, 27 April 1961, is pubic domain content.
JFK Secret Societies Speech