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“Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Support to Psychological Operations” is based upon “Special Operations Forces Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations” Field Manual No. 34-36 published on 30 September 1991 by Department of the Army Headquarters in Washington DC.
PSYOP missions are planned products and psychological actions in peace or war that are directed toward foreign enemy, friendly, and neutral audiences. The purpose is to influence attitudes and behaviors to achieve national political and military objectives.
PSYOP supports varied military, political, and diplomatic actions across the operational continuum. These missions can be strategic, operational, or tactical missions.
Strategic PSYOP missions are conducted at the national or theater level to advance broad, long-term psychological objectives in support of national psychological objectives.
Operational PSYOP missions are conducted to achieve mid-term objectives in support of theater campaigns and major operations.
Tactical PSYOP missions are conducted to achieve immediate or short-term objectives in support of tactical military operations.
Any of the above categories of PSYOP may support more than one level of the operational continuum. That is why distinctions between the categories of PSYOP are often blurred.
Special operation forces (SOF), whether operating unilaterally or in cooperation with conventional forces across the entire operational continuum, must always consider non-military factors and objectives.
PSYOP Missions:
Play a critical and integral role in achieving or addressing these non-military objectives.
Aid in accomplishing tactical, operational, and strategic military objectives.
May be the only military force employed.
Must be integrated with all operations to prevent contradictory or conflicting messages.
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By definition in Joint Publication 3-13,
"IO are described as the integrated employment of
electronic warfare (EW),
computer network operations (CNO),
psychological operations (PSYOP),
military deception (MILDEC), and
operations security (OPSEC),
in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities,
to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own."
[1] Information Operations (IO) are actions taken to affect adversary information and information systems while defending one's own information and information systems.
Publisher: United States. Joint Chiefs of Staff
Date: 2014-11-20
Copyright: Public Domain
Retrieved From: Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)