Just wanted to see if you had a reaction phrase for a thrown object. Carry on.
Are you telling me you never played Deus Ex? Well holy shit man, what are you doing here? It's on sale for under a dollar on either GOG or Steam. This one's required playing. At least try to make it past Liberty Island.
I don't know. The blob at the top of the reflection looks like Trump's hair color to me, but I haven't had any luck extrapolating anything out of it. Many think the black part is a phone. That part's probably right.
Gaymer gays
What if I post robo anime? That's the good shit anyway.
If we ever get mechs, they'll probably be self-driving. No awesome manual control stunts. God, the future sucks.
I remember seeing an article that Nissan was developing something like that. They should put a few bucks toward making Xtronic suck less, but still neat.