=PART ½ Stephen GORE=
PB >>7125633
Frenz in response to a dig request on Phoenix Biological Resource Center Stephen Gore. From what I gather this fuck Stephen Gore from Phoenix (BRC Biological Resource Center) was apart of a larger FBI op into Body brokers Arthur and Elizabeth Rathurn from Detriot. The US body broker industry is not regulated so you know shit is fucked. This initial investigation started back in late 2000’s. BRC closed shop after being raided by feds, Gore received no jail time and testified against Rathurn. BRC is located near the Phoenix airport and Rathurns Biological International is located near old Detroit City Airport. Theres a third company with a similar name in Chicago Biological Resource Center of Illinois – have not dug in this one yet. Reuters has an 8 part web blog about the fucking industry heavy digging material
Ties found to Detroit, Chicago, Portland, Nevada, DOD, US Army, Tel Aviv and fucking hotels Hilton Hyatt and Disney… Wtf - would like more eyes and digs.. Unable to find the actual lawsuit filed against Stephen Gore
“And at the Disney lab last month, coffee and tea were available near one cadaver station. After a Reuters reporter asked if this were allowed, the refreshments were removed from the room.
“Do shoes become contaminated on a carpet where a day later there’s going to be a wedding dance and you’ve got one-year-olds crawling on the floor?” asked Osterholm, the infectious diseases specialist. “All you need is one situation to go badly.””
“A jury found Rathburn guilty of seven counts of fraud and one count of illegally transporting hazardous biological material: Listerine-soaked human heads shipped in a cooler to the U.S. from Tel Aviv, Israel. He was sentenced Tuesday to nine years in prison.
"This is not a medical crime; it is a financial crime," assistant U.S. Attorney Timothy J. Wyse said at a pretrial hearing.”
“Among the examples outlined in the indictment was a 2011 transaction in which the Rathburns rented a head and neck to researchers for $13,108 to be used in a course titled "Advances in Periodontology" at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Cambridge, Mass.
Eventually, he fell on the FBI's radar, and federal agents and border officials started tracking his shipments of body parts, including buckets of heads that arrived at Detroit Metro Airport from places like Israel and Greece.”
Among the examples outlined in the indictment was a 2011 transaction in which the Rathburns rented a head and neck to researchers for $13,108 to be used in a course titled "Advances in Periodontology" at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Cambridge, Mass. The head and neck came from an individual who tested positive for Hepatitis B, though the Rathburns hid that.
Before getting into the body parts trade as a private dealer, Rathburn was the coordinator of the University of Michigan's anatomical donation program from 1984-90, but he got fired after he was caught selling bodies. In 1989, he started his own business supplying body parts: Biological International, which he ran out of an industrial warehouse on Grinnell Avenue, near the old Detroit City Airport. Eventually, he fell on the FBI's radar, and federal agents and border officials started tracking his shipments of body parts, including buckets of heads that arrived at Detroit Metro Airport from places like Israel and Greece.
Need to dig more on this guy Sam Kazemi
“In 2012, BRC hired lab technician Kazemi. He earned $21 an hour. Before joining the company, his resume shows, he spent the previous decade working as a real estate agent, a waiter at a Morton’s steakhouse and a manager for an Olive Garden restaurant.
In 2013, Kazemi starred in a BRC instructional video. It opens with a jarring title, punctuated for emphasis: “Stripped Cervical Spine!”
Unable to find the full video, reuters seems to have it but they only show a 30 sec clip. If you find it archive offline then share