""…The sixteenth century saw the rise of a very powerful society based upon a secret cult, in the mountains of Afghanistan — the
Roshaniya, [or the] illuminated ones. References to the existence of this mystical fraternity exist from the time of the House of Wisdom
at Cairo, several hundred years before."
[William Cooper]: In fact, the Roshaniya are just a later emergence of the old cult of the Assassins.
"It seems likely the small branches were founded in various parts of the near and Middle East; which would account for the special usage
of the names of the eight degrees of initiation among them.
"The earliest figure named in the history of the cult is one Bayezid Ansari, of Afghanistan, whose family claimed descent from the Ansar
— the 'Helpers', who assisted Mohammed after his flight from Mecca nearly fourteen hundred years ago. As a reward for this service, he
stated, his ancestors had been granted initiation into the mysteries of the Ishmaelite religion: the secret, inner training [which] dated
from Abraham's rebuilding of the Temple at Mecca, the mystical Harem."
[William Cooper]: To the Assassins, through the Roshaniya and into Europe via the Knights Templar.
'''"Bayezid's own father, however, was known to be as narrowly conventional as anyone in the country, and one account of the rapid rise of
the sect has it that Bayezid, after a period of preparation for the normal priesthood, was converted to his strange doctrine by a
missionary from the Ismailis, the sectarians holding a secret doctrine supposedly handed down in the family of the Prophet, who
maintained hidden lodges throughout the world of Islam and also claimed (after the Crusades) to have penetrated with their ideas even
Spain, Germany, France and parts of Britain…"'''
William Cooper’s Mystery Babylon
Part 14: The Roshaniya (aired March 9th,1993)