Anonymous ID: 9e349e July 21, 2019, 10:37 p.m. No.7128686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8715



The few bits of info coming out of the back and forth with Iran made me wonder –

Was the Golan Heights "given" to Israel in return for misbehavior from Iran?

Was the naming of Jerusalem as "the capital" also a part of the carrot and stick diplomacy possibly going on?


But then, Palestine has been given a pile of money to help rebuild their economy.

But the most interesting thing seems to be President Trump declining to retaliate against Iran for shooting down a drone saying,

(big paraphrase here- but similar to his statement)

"It seems to be out of proportion to bomb a site which would kill 150 people and so I halted the action."


Now – who else does overkill? Israel, that is who. They retaliate with bombs to stone throwing young men in Palestine. Big overkill, eh?


We are being equal as we speak.

Anonymous ID: 9e349e July 21, 2019, 10:54 p.m. No.7128761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8794 >>8821 >>9044



Several years ago there was a huge uprising in Iran against the mullahs and their oppression, and against the control of their elections.

Now, does a brainwashed population have the wit to protest peacefully in the streets ? So, amid all the fears, the people of Iran still have their good thinking, and reject oppression and corruption.


As I am thinking about this right now –

surely President Trump loves the people of Iran, but –

thinking about how HRC laughed about the murder of Ghaddafi "we came we saw we killed" – sounds off, can't remember the words –

I wondered how easily it is done by some people to order the killing of other human beings – by tyrants and democratic leaders alike – how killing "an enemy" seems like an easy and FUN thing to do – oh the ecstasy of POWER –


and that for President Trump to HOLD BACK HIS HAND from easy killing is really a lesson in leadership –

that tyrants use killing as the way to resolve problems –

but leaders of HONOR consider everything with great seriousness and sobriety

Anonymous ID: 9e349e July 21, 2019, 11:10 p.m. No.7128867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8919 >>8939 >>9197



It is always a mistake to generalize anything.

People who rise to power often HAVE HELP.

It isn't just "Jews" who help their families and compatriots, it is everybody and anybody who can get away with setting their own friends and donors up with positions of prestige and/or monetary gain.


I honestly don't believe that all Jews want to rule the world, but there are many groups who just might believe that is their destiny.


As long as we live in a free society, we will get a good mix of them all, and the way to handle it is to punish corruption and treason – in courts – with evidence.


Jesus rebelled against the priests and their sacrifices and laws that oppressed the people. So it is an odd pairing of two religions when Christianity was a rebellion against the priests and the temple where things were murdered and killed.


Christianity believes in forgiveness and love.

Hebrews - at least some of the doctrines - believe in "an eye for an eye" type of justice



Eye for an eye - is about as medieval as the Muslims stoning for adultery.

It is a false "match" of religions.

Lots of people know this.

The two religions are not really similar.

We should not return to the "eye for an eye" laws and other priestly dictates.

They have many false doctrines yet to be discovered. When they do, they will stop the same as Christianity has stopped.

Anonymous ID: 9e349e July 21, 2019, 11:35 p.m. No.7129031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9063



What mankind is faced with right now

is the resolution of their most cherished beliefs and doctrines

with a greater knowledge and understanding.


For instance,

Does God REALLY demand bloody sacrifice ?

Who really is this God that many religions worship? and do we really believe we worship a blood thirsty ogre of a being?


If you look up the oldest available manuscripts of the scriptures

you can't find any – except for pieces – older than the 3rd century A.D. which would be THE MODERN ERA.


Mohammad also did not leave a book of laws in order to form a religion. In fact, I believe he was AGAINST formal religion.

The only thing we have directly from Mohammad is the daily prayers – to ring across the land. And just what is that PRAYER he established? It goes like this:

"God is Great. There is no God but God."

and all the rules and stories written about him

were written as a mode of prestige and power

many years after he was gone.


So, as thinking people we should discover who God is, and why we can't see him.

Why can't we see him?

Because we aren't really looking

and because we are acting as if he isn't there.

We must hold back our hands

and quit trying to be "God on earth"

or acting in the absence of God.


I've seen how justice comes back upon wicked people – and often it is merely the path they walk that leads them to their own demise.

Anonymous ID: 9e349e July 21, 2019, 11:58 p.m. No.7129140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9214



The churches/religions made the same mistake as any tyrant –

they try to regulate the private behavior of people



We need to refine these ideals.

We need to reconcile WHY some things are bad for us, or bad for our society. We need to be able to LIVE IN PEACE with each other, that's why.


The goal is to find PEACE and LIGHT.

At the same time we are refining the understanding of these higher ideals, we have to protect ourselves. Hell, yes, many things are crimes without any connection to religion.


I imagined churches adopting the "chair for God" – even perhaps in our homes. Have a chair that sits to the side of the room that NO ONE is allowed to sit in – reserved for God when he visits us. And so it would always be in our minds that a God who knows good and bad may well be watching at this very moment. And when we pray – we envision God who is present and is listening.


It's just good for the psyche and the conscience to make us more highly aware of the things that we do – how we behave.