The hybrid's of the watchers, the giants had many other attributes other then their sheer size. Six fingers and toes, but more importantly the elongated skulls. What do the ancient Egyptians depict themselves with in their hieroglyphs? elongated skulls. I would like to say that the nephilim (giants) are back, but not in the form of giants, but in the form of their other genetically modified traits. Such as being cannibals. So it was in the days of noah so it shall be in the return of christ. are the nephilim here already through the genetic modifications ?
Christ says that he dwells in "us" and we dwell in him. Or tare this temple down and in three days i will rebuild it. So basically we are a host to the holy spirit, or??? these "sick" people are hosts to their demons, who masquerade as angels of light. The synagogue of satan has been working over time to self full fill their end world prophecies so they can bring back their messiah (mochiac). but since he is the stone the builders rejected, they are only ushering in the antichrist. Their "temple' is the synagogue of satan now.