Anonymous ID: f3d3d2 July 22, 2019, 5:27 a.m. No.7130432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0486 >>0531

The New Bolsheviks. Notice The Similarities


1) [Undermine] the (Stability) of the (Country's Society) → From Within → Use [Depravity & Radical Progressivism].

2) When you think you've reached = (The Tipping Point) → Unleash your "Bolshevik" leaders to [Foment Revolution] = Among the (Brainwashed Masses) of what you consider (Useful Idiots).


As we here well know (Patriots & Constitutionalists that is) = Those of us who have not trusted the [Old Guard] Government Establishment for many years now → (We) Have NOT been the = Radical Subversive Seditionists.

=The [Old Guard & Their Minions] Have. (((They))) have been the [Traitors] all along.


History Repeats.

Many here have seen it coming for years.

We are in the Battle for = (The Ideals) enshrined in "The Declaration" & "Constitution" of The United States of America.

After The Holy Bible, among the best texts ever written.

Aren't most, genuinely concerned anons, here because we believe in the (Principles) embedded in those documents?


In 2008, year of The Olympics in Beijing, a group of (Idealists) in China put together a Charter written by (Liu Xiaobo) called (Charter 08). It was (Based on the US Declaration of Independence and Constitution).

Proposing that = All people are Rightfully Free to choose their form of government.

Liu Xiaobo and the signers were either jailed or "Disappeared". Their families were put under house arrest and relentlessly harassed.


I've spent many years in China.

We must stay the course.

Human history has Always been a battle between good & evil.

It's always been a reality: Evil continues to win when good men do nothing.


Liu Xiobo & those signers may've been persecuted.

But I can tell you from personal experience:

There is a multitude of Christians and freedom-lovers in China that don't bow to the Chi-Coms.