why not go one further and admit that this exact templar/masonic castration cult created the so-called usa. our capitol city is built on a jesuit compound. who is 'our lady' really? the black madonna, so to speak. guess where planned parenthood's dc offices are? right in the center of the oes/masonic pentagram. people hear still think this government is gonna save them from the sacrifice cult? riiiight
trying to figure it out by not even doing a basic google search to find out what this 'once stood for' . trying to figure out if you are actually retarded, or a lying shill
get's called out for defending the same masonic sex cult q already called out by name and having no capacity to use the google machine. calls anyone who knows how to spot a satanic cult a satanist. tells them to kill themselves. this kind of cognitive dissonance can only be the sign of a jesusfag. like your jew hero you think the best solution to all problems is letting the romans sacrifice you. that'll show em.