Anonymous ID: ab5f32 July 22, 2019, 5:14 p.m. No.7138984   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Officials Seize Nearly $5 Million in Gold Bars at UK’s Heathrow Airport (Photos)


Officials at London’s Heathrow Airport recently seized nearly $5 million worth of gold bars that are believed to be linked to drug cartels thriving in South America.


According to reports, the gold shipment, weighing 229 pounds, was on its way to Switzerland from the Cayman Islands when it was seized last month under the UK Proceeds of Crime Act. The shipment had arrived in London from the Cayman Islands on a private jet from Venezuela.


— National Crime Agency (@NCA_UK) July 20, 2019


​The UK National Crime Agency (NCA) is currently holding the gold, and is investigating the shipment as a money laundering incident. The probe is being carried out as a joint effort between the NCA and Cayman authorities.


“We believe that this shipment was linked to drugs cartels operating out of South America,” NCA Heathrow branch commander Steve McIntyre is quoted as saying by multiple news sources. "Working with partners overseas and in the UK, we were quickly able to identify it and stop its onward movement."


“The business model of many organized crime groups relies upon the ability to move money across borders, to fund further investment in criminal activity,” McIntyre added. “If we can stop that, it not only causes disruption to the criminal network involved and prevents them benefiting from crime, it also stops that re-investment.”


Nick Jariwalla, Border Force director at Heathrow Airport, also applauded law enforcement officials on the seizure.


“Taking large amounts of money or gold out of the control of criminal networks hits them where they feel it most, in the pocket,” he told multiple news sources.


“This was a substantial seizure and demonstrates how effectively Border Force works with law enforcement partners, both at home and abroad, to combat organized crime,” Jariwalla added.

Anonymous ID: ab5f32 July 22, 2019, 5:16 p.m. No.7139000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9012 >>9037

Widespread power outage hits Venezuela


Much of Venezuela is suffering from a massive blackout, social media users and local news outlets have reported. Power shortages, which began on Monday morning, have impacted at least 18 states, including the capital, Caracas.


The lack of electricity has caused chaos for the transportation network in the capital and has disrupted phone and internet connections.


In March, Venezuela suffered two major blackouts that send the country into darkness for days. The government of President Nicolas Maduro blamed the US-led local opposition of sabotaging the power grid, amid Washington's attempts to topple the elected president.

Anonymous ID: ab5f32 July 22, 2019, 5:21 p.m. No.7139049   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukraine Election - Voters Defeat Second Color Revolution


The Ukraine, translated as 'the borderlands, lies between core Russia and the Europe's western states. It is a split country. Half the population speaks Russian as its first language. The industrialized center, east and south are culturally orthodox Russians. Some of its rural western parts were attached to the Ukraine only after World War II. They have historically a different culture.


The U.S., supported by the EU, used this split - twice - to instigate 'revolutions' that were supposed to bring the Ukraine onto a 'western' course. Both attempts were defeated when the Ukrainians had the chance of a free vote.


The 2004 run-off election for the president of the Ukraine was won by Viktor Yanukovych. The U.S. disliked the result. Its proxies in Ukraine alleged alleged fraud and instigated a color revolution. As a result of the 'Orange Revolution' the vote was re-run and the other candidate, Viktor Yushchenko, was declared the winner. But five years later another vote defeated the U.S. camp. Yanukovych was declared the winner and became president.


In 2014 the European Union made an attempt to bind the Ukraine to its side through an association agreement. But what the EU offered to Ukraine was paltry and Russia countered it. Unlike the Ukraine, which continues to get robbed by its oligarchs ever since its 1991 independence, Russia was economically back and in a much better position. It offered billions in investments and long term loans. Much of Ukraine's industry depends on Russia and Russian gas was offered to the Ukraine for less than the international market price. Yanukovych, who originally wanted to sign the EU association, had no choice but to refuse it, and to take the much better deal Russia offered.


The U.S. and the EU intervened. They again launched a color revolution, but this time it was one that would use force. Militarily trained youth from Galicia in the west Ukraine was bused into Kiev to occupy the central Maidan place and to violently fight the police. Snipers from Georgia were brought in to fire on both sides. It was then falsely alleged that government forces were killing the 'peaceful protesters'.


Yanukovych lost his nerves and fled to Russia. After some illegal political maneuvers new elections were called up and the oligarch Petro Poroshenko, bought off by the 'west', was declared the winner. The unreconstructed fascists from Galicia took over. The population in the industrial heartland in east Ukraine, next to Russia's border, revolted against the new rulers. A civil war, not a 'Russian invasion', ensued which the Ukrainian government largely lost. Lugansk and Donbas became rebel controlled statelets which depend of Russia. Russia took back Crimea, which in 1954 had been illegally gifted to Ukraine by then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, himself a Ukrainian.


To end the war in the east Ukraine, the French, German and Russian leaders pressed Poroshenko to sign a peace agreement with the eastern leaders. But the Minsk agreement was seen as a political defeat and Poroshenko never implemented it. The war in the east simmered on ever since. The extreme right-wing politicians, who gained notoriety after the Maidan coup, prohibited the use of the Russian language which more than 50% of the Ukrainians speak. All opposition was harshly suppressed.


The oligarchs continue their plunder. Everything of value gets sold off to EU countries. The U.S. is allowed to build bases. Corruption, already endemic, further increased. The people came to despise Poroshenko.

Anonymous ID: ab5f32 July 22, 2019, 5:29 p.m. No.7139137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9161

Germany’s Next Chancellor: Merkel’s Protege Keeps Digging Herself Into Deeper Hole


At the center of public interest, throughout not only Germany, but most of Europe in the months of June and July is “Who will be Germany’s next Chancellor?”


Angela Merkel’s “shoes” are not exactly easy to fill.


After around the end of 2018, Merkel announced that she would not take part in the 2021 elections. She transferred the leadership position of the Christian Democratic Union to her protégé Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, who is referred to as AKK in Germany.


But she did not endorse AKK, not for the party leader position, nor as chancellor. AKK barely won the vote for leadership with 25 votes.


AKK is unlikely to become chancellor. Shortly after she became leader of the CDU, she drew criticism for a joke about transgender people.


A few months after that, she botched her response to a viral YouTube video that sought “the destruction” of the CDU.


The CDU had poor performance in the European elections this May, losing many seats to the Greens, as well as to the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats.


Kramp-Karrenbauer drew sharp criticism across the spectrum of the German media due to the poor result, despite actually winning the election.


Her poll numbers have been dropping steadily since she was elected, and she now faces a 36% approval rating.


Most recently, Germany Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen was confirmed as European Commission President, and the seat became vacant.


AKK was announced as Germany’s Defense Minister, which is widely considered as a “poisoned chalice.”


Kramp-Karrenbauer’s colleagues welcomed the appointment. “When such an important position, a core job in the cabinet, becomes available, then a CDU leader must step up and take responsibility, and she is doing that,” said Ralph Brinkhaus, the leader of the CDU parliamentary caucus.


“If you want to show leadership you don’t consider the risk, you get on with the job. In life as in politics, there are always risks. If you don’t trust yourself to take on hard tasks, you don’t belong in politics.”


The job of Defense Minister is a hard one, Germany’s armed forces, according to critics chronically underfunded, are consistently accused of inefficiency and of having inadequate or defective equipment. It is a difficult position to improve one’s reputation in.


And, surely enough, on July 20th, AKK’s approval fell further, with only 17% of people wanting to see her as the next Chancellor.


The next possible successor as Chancellor that comes to mind is the possibility of a Green politician taking up the role, after the exquisitely high performance at the European Parliament elections.


The possible options are two – Annalena Baerbock or Robert Habeck, the co-leaders of the Green party.

Anonymous ID: ab5f32 July 22, 2019, 5:35 p.m. No.7139201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9228 >>9292 >>9428 >>9606 >>9731

UK sold $810m in arms to Saudi after Khashoggi’s murder


The UK licensed £648 million ($810 million) worth of arms to Saudi Arabia during the six months that followed the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


The sale, uncovered in newly released arms export statistics, was carried out at the time when the UK government said that it condemned the murder of the Washington Post journalist “in the strongest possible terms”. Both the US intelligence and the UN have concluded that the Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman is responsible for his killing.


These arms include £551 million ($686 million) worth of ML4 licences (Grenades, bombs, missiles and countermeasures). Many of these are likely to be used in the ongoing Saudi-led bombardment of Yemen.


The findings raise further questions over UK’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia, which have come under sharp criticism over the kingdom’s handling of the war in Yemen. Riyadh has been accused of committing war crimes using British made weapons.


Last month the Court of Appeal found that it was “irrational and therefore unlawful” for the government to have allowed the sale of UK-made arms to Saudi forces for use in Yemen without making at least some assessment as to whether or not past incidents amounted to breaches of International Humanitarian Law. The Government was ordered not to approve any new licences and to retake the decisions on extant licences in a lawful manner.


Andrew Smith of Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), which has led the legal battle in UK courts against the government, said: “The Foreign Secretary said that it condemned the murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the strongest terms, but, in the months that followed, it was business as usual for the Government and the arms companies. At the same time as the Saudi regime was covering up his murder Ministers were approving hundreds of millions of pounds worth of arms sales.”


“UK-made weapons have played a devastating role in the bombing of Yemen. Tens of thousands of people have been killed and vital infrastructure has been destroyed. This destruction wouldn’t have been possible without the complicity and support of arms dealing governments like the UK.”

Anonymous ID: ab5f32 July 22, 2019, 5:42 p.m. No.7139291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

War Propaganda: Iran Sleeper Cells Ready to Kill Brits


On Monday, The Sun ran a scary story insisting evil Hezbollah sleeper cells are “preparing to strike” the UK in the wake of Iran’s tit-for-tat seizure of a British oil tanker in the Persian Gulf. The newspaper picked up the story from The Telegraph.


As usual, there is no evidence of this, only speculation the corporate propaganda media spins into reality, thus building step-by-step an excuse to attack Iran.


Iran-backed terror cells could be deployed to launch deadly attacks in the UK, according to intelligence sources quoted last night.


As tensions escalate over the seizure of a British oil tanker, spy chiefs believe Iran may give the green light to its hidden proxy fighters if the crisis deepens.


Should open warfare erupt, MI5 and MI6 think Iran could call upon its network of terrorist sleeper cells to carry out atrocities, The Telegraph reported.


Pair the verbs “could” and “believe” with The Sun’s clickbait headline telling us an attack is a foregone conclusion. Because many if not most people are headline skimmers, this misleading headline has become a fact. It is added to the muddle of fake news and half-truth the media cranks out.


Meanwhile, the US, Israel, and the UK have attempted to destabilize Iran from within the country for more than a decade. Recall Iran’s accusation of black ops run by MI6 terrorists back in 2010.


Dr. Ismail Salami wrote in 2012:


British elements were behind five assassinations in 2007 and 2008 in Iran. The detainees said they had been promised USD 20,000 for every assassination. They reportedly received instructions from their commander Jalal Fattahi in Sulaimaniya, Iraq. Fattahi, who was also a commander with the terrorist Komala group, resides in London and has, on the strength of the detainees’ testimonies, conducted a number of assassinations in western Iranian cities since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.


The Israeli Mossad has carried out an assassination program inside Iran for years, killing scientists allegedly working on a nuclear weapons program that cannot be confirmed. Both the US and Israel worked on the Stuxnet virus to cripple Iranian power plants. The malware subsequently posed a threat to countries outside of Iran.


Cont. from im ages:

According to Trump, however, the capture of CIA operatives never happened.

The success of the ongoing plan to malnourish children and inflict “maximum pressure” on ordinary Iranians is being orchestrated by an Israeli citizen, Sigal Mandelker, the successor to a number of Zionists at the US Treasury.

Anonymous ID: ab5f32 July 22, 2019, 5:46 p.m. No.7139334   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FITTON: Congress Should Stop Wasting Time On Mueller — And Investigate Hillary Clinton’s Role In Steel Dossier


Congressional Democrats will finally get an opportunity to put on a public show starring former Special Counsel Robert Mueller when he appears before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.


Mueller was last seen at his May 29 press statement, in which he attacked President Trump by promoting a tenuous theory of obstruction of justice as grounds for impeachment. Mueller, despite the “no collusion, no obstruction” conclusion of his dubious report, smeared the president by presuming him guilty anyway, claiming he was not exonerated and signaled House Democrats to begin impeachment proceedings.


This hearing will give Mueller and the Democrats an opportunity to once again push the “destroy Trump” narrative and jump-start the impeachment process. Mueller’s testimony will be geared to that end. Democratic questions will seek to fill in the blanks to preserve Mueller’s manufactured reputation for probity. And the mainstream media will be primed — and probably pre-briefed — to drive the point home.


However, unlike at his press statement where he allowed no questions, Mueller will now have to face hard scrutiny from Republicans and honest Democrats about the origins of his investigation, misconduct during the process, and his questionable, sometimes completely erroneous conclusions.


For example, why did Mueller sit on the fact that his team had early-on discovered that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, which was the central question of the entire Russiagate hoax? Were the midterm elections a factor in his delay for exonerating President Trump of Russia collusion?


Why did Mueller continue as special counsel after learning that former FBI Director James Comey broke the law to get him appointed by leaking information from President Trump’s FBI files to the New York Times, using a Columbia professor friend of his as a cut-out?

Anonymous ID: ab5f32 July 22, 2019, 5:54 p.m. No.7139446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Falun Gong Resists China's Satanist Government


Hard to believe that old people in a park doing what looks like Tai Chi represent the biggest threat to the Communist Party in China. This is

a reminder that ultimately, politics reflect a religious conflict between good and evil.


July 20 is the Twentieth Anniversary of the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong in China


Falun Gong is an ancient spiritual practice from China that was made public on May 13, 1992. Through word of mouth, 100 million people in China took up the practice, including people in all walks of life from dirt poor farmers to the highest standing committee members. At the time, there were only 70 million members of the communist party, fewer than Falun Gong practitioners.


Falun Gong is also called Falun Dafa. In Chinese Fa means "law" and lun means "wheel", a Falun is a Law Wheel. Da means "great" and Fa means "law", so Dafa means Great Law.

Anonymous ID: ab5f32 July 22, 2019, 5:57 p.m. No.7139516   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The “Battle of Seattle” and the Anti-globalization Movement


Next November will mark the 20th anniversary since the so-called “Battle of Seattle.” It refers to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference held at Seattle, WA, in late 1999, which became the scene of widely-reported protest activity and civil unrest. That’s why it was subsequently called colloquially the “Battle of Seattle.”


I recently watched with interest and great sympathy the videotaped protests of the anti-globalization activists in a collection of five videos entitled Showdown in Seattle (1999). Tens of thousands of protesters demonstrated in the streets of Seattle from November 26 to December 1, 1999, for labor rights and against the abuses of the corporate state, including the government-sanctioned degradation of our environment in the name of capitalist greed and profit. I found myself fully agreeing with their views on how economic globalization and global trade should benefit everybody, especially the world’s poor (globalization’s “losers”), rather than just the rich and politically mighty (globalization’s “winners”). I was shocked to see how the peaceful protesters against the WTO were attacked and mauled by the Seattle police force—reinforced by two battalions of the Washington Army National Guard, the 81st Brigade of the Washington State Patrol, and many other local law-enforcement and paramilitary agents—in the same violent and brutal manner that the Occupy Wall Street movement would be assaulted and suppressed a decade later.


You can see from the five videos that what happened in Seattle was—as aptly described by many eyewitnesses—an officially-sponsored “police riot,” in which heavily-armed troopers covered from head to toe in black Darth Vader-like armor used the city Mayor-imposed “state of emergency” and “curfew” as an excuse to resort to brute force—using truncheons, beatings, attack dogs, plastic bullets, water cannon, tear-gas cannisters, pepper spray, tasers, stun grenades, even armored cars and helicopters, They made mass arrests in downtown Seattle’s 50-bloc “No-Protest Zone” in violation of the protesters’ constitutionally-guaranteed rights to peaceful assembly and free speech. And what was the official justification for such excessive use of violent police-state tactics? A few store windows had been smashed by roving gangs of masked “anarchists” who—as the local media (including the prestigious Seattle Times) reported only a few weeks later—turned out to have been plainclothes policemen acting as undercover agent-provocateurs. The corrupt big media gave very slanted coverage of the street protests—as several participants and one legal observer complain in the Showdown in Seattle videos.

