Ep-stain feeds the Eye! (Control the Controllers)
Holly-Weird feeds the Eye! (Control the Masses)
The DS feeds the Eye, and keeps the others in line!
Who is the Eye and why have we NOT Killed it!?!
Dear Q,
Sir, It has been some time since we were promised Arrest
of some notable figures within the government of these
United States. While the wheels of JUSTICE seem a bit
slow and ineffeciant, I would like to see a little more action
in order to overwhelm so many years of inactivity and remove
the stigma of having wasted my tax dollars. I feel a fair trade
of bad guys in front of firing squad or swinging from a gallows
as a reasonable trade for actual JUSTICE and EQUITY for said
Funds and future prosperity for everyone concerned.
Please Sir= do Smite some Bad Guys SOON!