Why are you attaching .jpegs? If you are mobile fagging download a conversion app from .jpeg to .png.
.jpegs Fuck up the board. This has been discussed. Lurk moar.
Why are you attaching .jpegs? If you are mobile fagging download a conversion app from .jpeg to .png.
.jpegs Fuck up the board. This has been discussed. Lurk moar.
I'll go with what o7 said immediately below your post. The problem is with the board and latency. If you were a full stack fag you would know this, but you are not clearly. The problem isn't with HEIF to JPEG it is how the board deals with the conversion. It takes forever and shows up as broken images and fucks up the bread.
Lurk moar. You should know this. The images at right took 3 minutes to load. PNG or JPG is instant. You couldn't QA/QC a cardboard box so how about you just listen to o7?
It's cool. I don't need to see what you dig anyway. Filtered. If you cannot follow simple instructions I doubt you are doing worthwhile work here anyway.
You should change that to "I'm bitching about converting my files because I don't wanna and you should fix this free site that I use to accomodate muh needs because muh needs come first because muh millenials."
Convert the fucking .jpeg you whiney little bitch. That or code the solution. Entitled faggots this morning.