I've always found it………………uh "telling" that the moo joos post trannie-sex anime while trying to deflect with kike, kike, kike.
No Jew I know would post that crap. What's his name (Kurt Eichenwald) might be into "tentacle porn" or whatever?………………there's always some outliers….
but the sturmfront refugee eva braun wanna be's always go down the most twisted path………….and of course, while trying to blame the Jews.
it ain't working….you bitches!
To that I say
fuck you!
keep fucking your cousin or dog or whatever is you do that has your mind so scrambled. Maybe you have breakfast with your parents, whose corpse are ten years rotting but you have sitting with you at the table.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre style………………
fuck mother-fuckers………….you fucking bitches!