Anonymous ID: 58c13b July 23, 2019, 10:31 p.m. No.7157069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7074 >>7099 >>7105


so you and the other ones are shills doing a coordinated attack on me. Meanwhile pornime guy is up to 188 posts. But you focus on me.

Wonder if you are working with him. Kind of looks like that.


saying 'retarded' makes you a vulgar person in my estimation so I owe you no explanations. In fact you are obvious. Why you insert yourself, why you attack?


who cares.

have a nice bread it will be over so soon because 196 posts from pornimeposter

Anonymous ID: 58c13b July 23, 2019, 10:41 p.m. No.7157163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7173 >>7187


you don't know me.

you don't know what motivates me.

I'm not acting like that.

I was trying to talk that guy out of his deal, and you interceeded to play 'oh I'm the reasonable one and you are the bad one'


the 'I'm OK your NOT OK game' never works with me, anon. I'm not bringing my emotions here, though the ponrnime does rankle me.


wouldn't it me nice if fat boy pornime person realized what is is doing is immoral?

but no, you deflect probably because you are a shill but what does it matter.

and doing a kermit? I'm sorry I can't take you seriously you glow.