Anonymous ID: 3af3be July 23, 2019, 11:58 p.m. No.7157638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7675


Perhaps you are relatively smart compared to the average NPC out there… But you're a few lightbulbs short of a cookie jar.


If it was just this one point - then you would be correct that we are very likely to be engaging in confirmation bias. However, there is more than just that development, and I am also going to say that I have worked in various industries for about 15 years, now.


All of the investment was going to China. Nearly all of it. New machines. Automation. Precision equipment. New factories. Etc. Next to none of it was going into American facilities. America has been trying, since the 80s, to compete with China with almost literally no upgrades and only business cuts.


The sudden reversal in this policy is nothing short of suspicious, to say the least. It could only be the work of some form of fraternal order - either one pre-existing or newly minted around POTUS. Likely a combination of both.


To see the kind of investment going back into American manufacturing that is happening, today - to include steel and aluminum primary ore smelt, as well as massive booms in purchase orders for modernization across the board - is something I feared would have to be done at the point of a sword to avoid a collapse back into a dark age.


Something is going on, and Q is able to strike chords that only someone observing "us" genuinely over the past decade could be hitting. Q knows what we know. President Trump is moving toward policy goals I have argued very strongly for.

Anonymous ID: 3af3be July 24, 2019, 12:19 a.m. No.7157723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7931



Commence request for datalink termination.


>>At least 33 people have died after a man burst into a Japanese animation studio and shouted ”you die” before starting a fire, according to officials.


>>Police say the blaze broke out at the three-storey Kyoto Animation Company studio after a man sprayed an unidentified liquid accelerant around the building at about 10.30 local time [GMT 02.30] on Thursday.


>>Shinji Aoba did not work for Kyoto Animation. He had previously served time in prison for robbery of a convenience store east of Tokyo in 2012 and has been treated for mental illness.


Puts trapfag in context.

Anonymous ID: 3af3be July 24, 2019, 12:37 a.m. No.7157789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7808


Look into the Kyoto Animation arson from a few days ago.

Puts trapfag in a bit of context as well as the shills trying to equate the existence of anime to the pornographic section.


I could be connecting dots that don't need to be connected - but after the progs were told by Japan to go fuck themselves with their political narrative and that they would continue to produce anime whether it conformed to western political senses, or not… Seems the assault has crossed the ocean.

Anonymous ID: 3af3be July 24, 2019, 12:57 a.m. No.7157873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7883


The problem with "Mueller is a black hat" is that he has pretty much passed up a prime opportunity to create a scandal. People seem to forget that Mueller was appointed over a team of anti-trump democrats. They act like he is conducting all aspects of the investigation, indictments, report writing, etc.


If Mueller was part of the cabal, however, then he was not only failed in his efforts - he has made literally no effort to harm the President. By contrast to Comey, Schiff, Pelosi, Waters, No-Name, etc - Mueller has just been kind of meh all the way around.

Lots said about him. Lots people try to get him to say/do… Mueller is just "… Meh."


And if Mueller is - then RR must be, too (… If RR is indeed Rosenstein - there is a reason Q is using RR over Rosenstein, so that leads me to question what that reason is, when some names are shortened like that and others are not - it makes me suspect an additional dimension to the statement). This doesn't seem to work - if RR is also a "black hat" (note this is our phrase, Q simply used the term dirty… And has also used the term cleaning - implying people who have been part of bad things will be cleaned) - then there is no reason why the shooting at the mosque should have missed the report release date.


So… I lean toward the idea that none of this makes any logical sense if they are black hats - at least with what I know and can reasonably induct. Trump can't be the only guy up there who isn't a snake, and that is what this comes down to if Mueller and Rosenstein are black hats, both.


If they were going to rain down indictments to create scandals - they had their opportunity to do it. If they were going to call for impeachment - they had their opportunity to do it. If they do it, now, it is because the democrats are dragging their feet and it's time for the curtains to open before we've entered the next election campaign cycle.