Anonymous ID: 76e2eb July 23, 2019, 11:09 p.m. No.7157396   🗄️.is 🔗kun


His voice oozed from his throat like warm brie spilling from a toasted baguette. Not just any brie either. Clotted brie. Brie a dozen years past its use-by date. Brie that had mutated into a virus. An Ebola of seeping dairy. I shuddered. His intent was as slimy as his accent.

“You know, Zoë”, he smirked as he pushed his cocaine laced mirror closer towards me on the chaise, “We are going to ‘ave to ‘ave sex one of zeeze days.”

My skin crawled. I felt alone, alert, resentful, and extremely pissed off. The gravity of the situation sunk in and it crossed my mind that I might be the only woman in the world who was repelled by French men and their Teflon accents.

Slowly, mulling over my options, I reached for the mirror, rationalising that his drugs were the lesser of the two evils being presented to me.

He was my modelling agent.

I was seventeen years old, far from home and living in his house.


My agent’s name was Jean Luc Brunel. He tried to have sex with me when I was a child. He gave me drugs. It’s high time he was outed for it

Anonymous ID: 76e2eb July 23, 2019, 11:26 p.m. No.7157476   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Epstien had cameras at his town house - confirmed




Where: East Side townhouse

Table seats: 30

Guest list: Mort Zuckerman, Google co-founder Sergey Brin, David Blaine, Donald Trump, Leslie Wexner of the Limited, disgraced British Cabinet minister Peter Mandelson, Bill Clinton aide Doug Band

Menu: Private chef, though last month Rocco DiSpirito cooked dinner after Epstein bid $50,000 for his services at a Hamptons charity.

Make it MY place: Epstein hates restaurants, so he often entertains at home. “The dialogues are so engaging that serving even the most extraordinary food sometimes seems inappropriate, like eating pizza at the ballet,” he says.


“I had rich shock!” one stunned guest says about Epstein’s house, which the owner claims is the largest private dwelling in the city. At a recent dinner organized by Ghislaine Maxwell, Blaine amused a group of barely clad models with card tricks. Alas, Clinton—around whom the evening had been organized—never showed, though his Secret Service would have appreciated Epstein’s numerous security cameras.

Anonymous ID: 76e2eb July 23, 2019, 11:28 p.m. No.7157487   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ALAN DERSHOWITZ, Lawyer, Harvard professor


Where: At his Martha’s Vineyard home

Table seats: 12. “I like large parties, but my wife, Carolyn Cohen, prefers more intimate parties with six couples. That’s the one thing we argue about.”

Guest list: Harvey Weinstein, William Styron, Larry and Laurie David (“Larry’s from Brooklyn. Sometimes we’ll have theme parties where everyone’s from Brooklyn”)

Guest qualifications: “I rarely invite my academic colleagues,” says Dershowitz. “Most of them don’t make good dinner guests.”

Guest testimony: “Alan’s guests are creative, interesting intellects, not necessarily intellectuals, but witty or wise or profound or comic,” says one guest. “What bedazzles at Alan’s parties is not the jewelry but the conversation that issues from their lips.”

Seating arrangements: “One time, we had Yo-Yo Ma and seated him next to this federal judge. Who would have thought it, but Yo-Yo and this judge have become really good friends. We sat Joel Klein, my former research assistant, next to one of my former students, Nicole Seligman, and they got married.”

Table conversations: “Sometimes we’ll let our guests know two weeks ahead of time that after dinner we’ll be showing a film and having a discussion about it afterwards!”

Anonymous ID: 76e2eb STEVE RATTNER dinner parties take your soul July 23, 2019, 11:29 p.m. No.7157494   🗄️.is 🔗kun

STEVE RATTNER, Managing Principal of the Quadrangle Group

MAUREEN WHITE, DNC finance chief


Where: Fifth Avenue apartment

Guest list: Steve Brill, Harvey Weinstein, Hillary Clinton, Merrill Lynch CEO Stanley O’Neal, Arthur Sulzberger, Chuck Schumer, Wendy Wasserstein

Décor theme: The apartment faces the Met, and the art is just as good.

Upside: Unlimited networking potential. “It’s a terrific New York room,” says an enamored guest who crows over the heady mix of politicians, art-world luminaries, and journalists.

Downside: Unlimited networking potential. Says a past Christmas-party guest, “You feel like you’ve all been assembled there to hustle or so that other guests can hustle you. When you leave, you have to check to make sure no one’s taken your soul!”

Anonymous ID: 76e2eb July 23, 2019, 11:40 p.m. No.7157556   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wexner is a PR voice for ISREAL - This is not a policy document. This document is strictly a

communications manual. As with every memo we provide, we have used the same scientific

methodology to isolate specific words, phrases, themes and messages that will resonate with at

least 70% of the American audience. There will certainly be some people, particularly those on

the political left, who will oppose whatever words you use, but the language that follows will

help you secure support from a large majority of Americans. These recommendations are based

on two “dial test” sessions in Chicago and Los Angeles conducted during the first ten days of the

Iraqi war for the Wexner Foundation.