Anonymous ID: 7ec632 July 23, 2019, 10:48 p.m. No.7157241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7257 >>7444 >>7817 >>7919 >>7951

House approves anti-BDS resolution


Some 350 members of the House cosponsored the resolution, 175 from each party, Democratic and Republican.


WASHINGTON - The House of Representatives approved Tuesday a resolution opposing boycotts of Israel. Some 350 members of the House cosponsored the resolution, 175 people from each party.


House Resolution 246, sponsored by Rep. Bradley Schneider (D-Illinois-10), opposes the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, "including efforts to target United States companies that are engaged in commercial activities that are legal under United States law, and all efforts to delegitimize the State of Israel." It also "urges Israelis and Palestinians to return to direct negotiations as the only way to achieve an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Florida) supported the resolution, and said on the House floor: "The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement does not seek and will not help achieve Israeli-Palestinian peace. In fact, it pushes the hope for a two-state solution even further away."


The resolution reaffirms its strong support "for a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict resulting in two states—a democratic Jewish State of Israel, and a viable, democratic Palestinian state—living side-by-side in peace, security, and mutual recognition."


In addition, it "affirms that the Global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement undermines the possibility for a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by demanding concessions of one party alone and encouraging the Palestinians to reject negotiations in favor of international pressure."


"You simply will not and cannot achieve lasting peace and security for both Israelis and Palestinians and work toward a two-state solution if you support a movement that seeks to delegitimize the very existence of Israel," said Congressman Ted Deutch. "I am relentlessly opposed to the global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign that seeks to delegitimize the state of Israel and deny the Jewish people – and only the Jewish people - the right to self-determination."


Three hundred ninety-eight members supported the resolution. Seventeen voted against, 16 of them from the Democratic Party.


The American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) posted a statement commending Congress for passing the resolution.


"BDS disguises its true intentions under the banner of 'human rights,' yet it hypocritically ignores human rights abuses against Palestinians in other countries across the Middle East, as well as the widespread abuses perpetrated by Palestinian leaders against their own people," the organization tweeted.


There is nothing noble about a boycott to discriminate against our democratic ally. We applaud the 350 representatives–175 Democrats and 175 Republicans–who have cosponsored H.Res.246 and called BDS what it is: anti-Israel, anti-peace and damaging to U.S. interests.

— AIPAC (@AIPAC) July 23, 2019


Rep. Alex Mooney (R-West Virginia) explained his support for the bill by saying, "The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is an economic attack on Israel and BDS supporters do not even think Israel should exist.


"Displays of anti-Semitism have become too frequent in the past few months, even from members of this House of Representatives—and it is time that we stand united in support of Israel," he continued.


"Under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump, our relationship with Israel has never been stronger. We must never forget the important role Israel plays in the world and I will continue to be a vocal supporter of our eternal friendship."


Israel is the Cabal / Deepstate, look how they control the US Gov and brag about it!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 7ec632 July 23, 2019, 10:50 p.m. No.7157250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7290 >>7444 >>7817 >>7919 >>7951

Al-Jaafari: Liberating Golan from the Israeli occupation is priority


New York, SANA-Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari said on Tuesday that the occupied Golan is an integral part of Syria and a right that can’t be prescribed , adding that liberating Golan and restoring it from the Israeli occupation, through all means which are guaranteed by the international law, is a priority for Syria.


“Israeli continued occupation of Arab lands represents the most dangerous challenge to the credibility and prestige of the international law’s rules and conventions,” al-Jaafari said at a session for UN Security council on the state in the Middle East.


He added that some states exploit the Security Council’s failure in putting its resolutions, relevant to ending the Israeli occupation, into effect, to work for reversing the realities and disavowing the legal obligations, and this was clear by Trump’s proclamation about the occupied Syrian Golan and Jerusalem, turning a blind eye to UN relevant resolutions, particularly No. 497 for 1981 which considered Israel’s measures in Golan as null and void.


“The Israeli occupation entity still launches attacks on Syria to offer support to the terrorist organizations, the latest of which caused the martyrdom of 4 civilians, among them a baby, and injured 21 others, the majority of them were women and children… in addition to the Israeli measures to loot the properties of the citizens in Golan to expand settlements, all are very dangerous acts,” al-Jaafari said.


He reiterated that Syria calls on the UN and Security Council to immediately move and force the Israeli occupation to set free Syrian captive Sidqi al-Maqt and all Syrian captives at the Israeli occupation prisons and put an end to its hostile practices and flagrant violations of international legitimacy resolutions, particularly No. 242, 338 and 497.


“Syria’s stance is firm and principled in support of the Palestinian people’s right of self-determination and the establishment of their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital and the Palestinian refugees’ right to return home according to resolution No.194 for 1948,” al-Jaafari added.

Anonymous ID: 7ec632 July 23, 2019, 11:01 p.m. No.7157353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7444 >>7817 >>7919 >>7951

Qatar, the Heart of the US Policy in the Middle East, gains stealth fighters in June


The recent visit of the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani to the United States and the contracts and agreements signed there allow one to assess, more or less accurately, the present situation in the US-Qatar relations and policy of Washington in the Persian Gulf region.


First, Qatar is undoubtedly primarily attuned to the US policy, without even trying to conduct any policy of its own. The Emir of Qatar met and held very successful negotiations with not only President D. Trump, but also with numerous high-ranking officials of his administration, and to list them all would take several pages.


The US President stated with great pleasure that the strategic partnership between Qatar and the US had reached unprecedented heights at all levels, as the emirate is a great friend and ally of the US in many respects. He emphasized that the numerous visits of His Highnesses the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani to the US reflect the strong and fast-growing bilateral relations.


In this regard, the President highly appreciated the US-Qatar cooperation in addressing transnational threats, including human trafficking, money laundering and financing of terrorism, having emphasized that the US-Qatar relations were more than simply a military, legal or trade partnership.


Second, the Iran issue, which is currently the top priority on Donald Trump’s agenda, and the solution of which will undoubtedly determine his re-election, was discussed in detail. It is well-known that Doha recently established rather strong relations with Tehran and can to a certain extent not only influence the Iranian policy regarding the US, but also become an intermediary at the Washington-Tehran negotiations.


The strongest economic relations between Qatar and Iran have to do with gas issues: the two states share the gas field in the Persian Gulf, namely the South Pars/North Dome whose mineable reserves amount to 215 billion barrels of oil and 14 trillion cubic meters of gas (8% of the total amount of world reserves). For this reason, Doha is not interested in the isolation of Iran.


Today, when Washington and the states of the Persian Gulf increasingly exert pressure upon Iran, Qatar is the only state which continues the political and economic relations with Tehran.

Anonymous ID: 7ec632 July 23, 2019, 11:02 p.m. No.7157359   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Italy: Investigators suspect left-wing extremists behind attack on high-speed rail infrastructure


Left-wing extremists of the anarchic variety are believed to be responsible for a fire at an Italian electrical center for high-speed trains.


According to a report by Il Giornale, the attack which caused hours of delay happened in Rovezzano, just outside of Florence. Police investigators believe the three separate fires were started with some kind of flammable liquid.


Due to commonalities with another attack on rail infrastructure that happened in 2014 not far from Rovezzano, investigators think that extreme-left anarchists could be responsible for the attack.


On top of that, the date of this most recent attack happened to fall on the same date as the court judgment of a 2017 bombing case where an extremist anarchist bombed a bookstore in Florence associated with far-right Casa Pound party.


Mario Vece, an Italian police officer, ended up losing a hand as a result of the bombing after he attempted to secure the area.


This week, prosecutors in the railway sabotage case called those responsible for the attack “terrorists” and referred to the attack as an “act of war”.


Yesterday, thirty-nine anarchist extremists were found guilty in connection with the bookstore bombing. They received sentences between 10 months and nine years.


A website associated with Italy’s anarchist scene also made comments about the railway infrastructure attack, questioning whether the act of sabotage was a coincidence? A ‘cowardly provocation’? Or, more simply and humanly, a gesture of love and anger?”


Police investigators have stated that they haven’t ruled the message as a potential claim of responsibility.


Matteo Salvini, Italy’s national populist interior minister, commented on the case saying: “They deserve years in jail, given that they have blocked Italy and ruined the day for many Italians. This afternoon I will be in Rovezzano to assess the situation.”


Salvini also said that he would look into whether there are any links between this new case and the anti-TAV (a tunnel that runs between Italy and France) protesters who attacked police recently.


The far-left extremist movement appears to be growing in Italy and around Europe.


In May, members of the far-left Antifa movement targeted an office belonging to Salvini’s League party. In the same month, Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez, a Spanish anarchist, was arrested in connection with another bombing of a League party office in Treviso which occurred in August of last year.


Antifa cells in other countries like Germany have also attempted to damage infrastructure. One German Antifa group even created a 44-page instructional manual which encourages people to target political party offices, burn cars, and shows people how to sabotage electric grids and other forms of infrastructure

Anonymous ID: 7ec632 July 23, 2019, 11:05 p.m. No.7157379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7390 >>7444 >>7817 >>7919 >>7951

KICKED OUT OF NATO? Turkey says that is impossible


ANKARA – Turkey remains a member of NATO and it is impossible to be excluded as alliance decisions are made by consensus, said Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu.


Mevlut Cavusoglu said in an interview with channel TGRT television that “alliance decisions are taken by consensus and even if one country objects, the decision will be taken,” so “it is impossible to exclude Turkey from NATO.”


“So talking about a ‘change of emphasis’ is political manipulation. We have been NATO members for over 50 years and we continue to be. But in the meantime, we don’t belong to anyone. Turkey is open to everyone. Where are its interests, that’s where we go, and no one can stop it,” said Cavusoglu.


In addition, the Turkish minister said that “although Turkey wants to join the EU, it will not wait at your door forever.” The Turks joined NATO in 1952 and have been candidates to join the European Union since 1999.


Tensions between Turkey and USA

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However, the purchase of the all-new Russian S-400 air defense systems sparked an international dispute between Turkey and the US, which demanded that the Turks abandon the Russian systems purchase agreement, even offering their Patriot missile systems in return.


Contrary to what Cavusoglu said, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country was prepared to leave NATO during a meeting with Russian MP Vladimir Zhirinovsky.


“I met twice with Turkish President Recep Erdogan, and he personally told me that Turkey was willing to withdraw from NATO,” Zhirinovsky wrote.


“Turkey was one of the first countries to be received in NATO because its territory was suitable for action against Russia,” said Zhirinovsky, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR).


The Turks joined NATO in 1952 and have been candidates for membership of the European Union since 1999, but are making little advances in joining, for a variety of reasons, including their occupation of Northern Cyprus.

Anonymous ID: 7ec632 July 23, 2019, 11:24 p.m. No.7157468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7478

Amid Opioid Crisis at Home, U.S. Blows $50 Million on Leery Afghan Drug Treatment Programs


n the midst of an opioid epidemic in the United States, the government has blown tens of millions of dollars to treat drug addiction in Afghanistan and has no clue if the programs are working. Since 2002 American taxpayers have doled out an eye-popping $9 billion to counter drug production in the Islamic nation, the world’s top opium producer. The money largely flows through the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). As part of the broader effort, Uncle Sam spent $50.5 million on dozens of drug treatment programs between 2013 and 2018. The treatment projects are implemented by the United Nations on Drugs and a cooperative for economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific known as Colombo Plan.


The problem is that, like many of these costly global initiatives, the U.S. government writes the big checks, but doesn’t bother following up to assure they’re effective. In this case, a report published by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) slams the government for failing to monitor or evaluate the performance of its drug addiction projects in Afghanistan, writing that the State Department “does not know the impact to date of its investment.” Furthermore, the State Department didn’t even bother to conduct site visits to project locations and failed to maintain files or records required under agency rules. “Because INL has not evaluated the performance of its projects, INL cannot determine the progress or impact its drug treatment projects have had,” the report says.


The watchdog offers background information that explains why the U.S. is throwing so much money at this issue. Besides being a world-renowned producer of opium, Afghanistan has among the world’s highest per capita rates of drug users, between 2.9 million and 3.6 million. Among the favorite drugs are opium and heroin and around 31% of all Afghan households have at least one member who uses drugs. The State Department has tried to justify funding projects to counter the problem by pointing out that drug addiction causes a wide range of detrimental societal effects beyond health and welfare, including undermining economic development, reducing social and political stability and diminishing security. “To that end, the U.S. government has spent $8.9 billion on counter narcotics efforts” in Afghanistan, the new audit reveals.


So far it has been a humiliating failure. In fact, a few years ago Judicial Watch reported that the multi-billion-dollar investment actually resulted in a huge increase in Afghan poppy cultivation and opium production. Despite the free flow of American tax dollars to combat the crisis, opium production rose 43% to an estimated 4,800 tons, and approximately 201,000 hectares of land were under poppy cultivation, representing a 10% increase in one year alone. The embarrassing figures were laid out in an exhaustive quarterly report to Congress that was downright painful to get through. Judicial Watch reviewed the entire 269-page document and created a created a link for the counter narcotics section, which is around 19 pages and includes informative charts, graphs and the latest available statistics at the time.

Anonymous ID: 7ec632 July 23, 2019, 11:26 p.m. No.7157475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7500 >>7505

EU to Hit US With 35 Billion-Euro Duties If US Tariffs Cars, Says Trade Chief


Since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, the US government has followed a policy of attempting to reverse the alleged disproportionate levels of trade towards partners such as China, Japan, and the European Union.


The European Union has revealed its counter-plan to potential tariffs on EU cars put up by the United States; an imposition of extra duties of up to 35 billion euros ($39.1 billion) worth of US goods.


European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom told a committee of the European Parliament on Tuesday that “we will not accept any managed trade, quotas or voluntary export restraints and, if there were to be tariffs, we would have a rebalancing list.”


The EU chief indicated that the plans were already "basically prepared" for duties amounting to 35 billion euros. However, she said that she hopes they would not be necessary.


The comments follow a statement by US Donald Trump in May that Washington will put tariffs on specific imported vehicles and parts which Trump claims are a threat to "national security".


However, the plan was put on hold while trade talks with the European Union and Japan recommenced.


Malmstrom said she welcomed the delay but said that the idea that EU car imports could be considered a threat to national security was "absurd", according to Reuters.


She explained that while the ongoing talks to ease the process of showing that goods meet EU and US standards respectively, the US still demands that agricultural goods be included in the trade deal, which the EU will not accept.


It is anticipated that the World Trade Organization will make a decision in September regarding the scale of sanctions which Washington can place on European subsidies for Airbus, a European plane maker, regarding tax breaks to its US rival Boeing.


The tariffs come as part of the Trump Administration's tendency to adopt protectionist measures in response to what he considers unfair trade imbalances.


The US government has also specifically directed its economic warfare towards China, which it claims is using its technology industry, specifically firms such as the telecoms giant Huawei, of spying on behalf of the ruling Chinese Communist Party.

Anonymous ID: 7ec632 July 23, 2019, 11:31 p.m. No.7157511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7521 >>7526 >>7547


‘Operation Broken Heart’: 2,300 Suspected Child-Sex Offenders Nabbed in Nationwide Operation


1,700 alleged online sex offenders arrested during operation ‘Broken Heart’


Operation 'Broken Heart': 51 arrests made in Texas child sex crime sting


Do you math Bro???

Anonymous ID: 7ec632 July 23, 2019, 11:36 p.m. No.7157536   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MH17 Evidence-Tampering Exposed: Cover-Ups, Hiding Records, Witness Misreporting, & FBI Seizures


A new documentary from Max van der Werff, the leading independent investigator of the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 disaster, has revealed breakthrough evidence of tampering and forging of prosecution materials; suppression of Ukrainian Air Force radar tapes; and lying by the Dutch, Ukrainian, US and Australian governments. An attempt by agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to take possession of the black boxes of the downed aircraft is also revealed by a Malaysian National Security Council official for the first time.


The sources of the breakthrough are Malaysian - Prime Minister of Malaysia Mohamad Mahathir; Colonel Mohamad Sakri, the officer in charge of the MH17 investigation for the Prime Minister’s Department and Malaysia’s National Security Council following the crash on July 17, 2014; and a forensic analysis by Malaysia’s OG IT Forensic Services of Ukrainian Secret Service (SBU) telephone tapes which Dutch prosecutors have announced as genuine.


The 298 casualties of MH17 included 192 Dutch; 44 Malaysians; 27 Australians; 15 Indonesians. The nationality counts vary because the airline manifest does not identify dual nationals of Australia, the UK, and the US.


The new film throws the full weight of the Malaysian Government, one of the five members of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), against the published findings and the recent indictment of Russian suspects reported by the Dutch officials in charge of the JIT; in addition to Malaysia and The Netherlands, the members of the JIT are Australia, Ukraine and Belgium. Malaysia’s exclusion from the JIT at the outset, and Belgium’s inclusion (4 Belgian nationals were listed on the MH17 passenger manifest), have never been explained.


The film reveals the Malaysian Government’s evidence for judging the JIT’s witness testimony, photographs, video clips, and telephone tapes to have been manipulated by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), and to be inadmissible in a criminal prosecution in a Malaysian or other national or international court.


For the first time also, the Malaysian Government reveals how it got in the way of attempts the US was organizing during the first week after the crash to launch a NATO military attack on eastern Ukraine. The cover story for that was to rescue the plane, passenger bodies, and evidence of what had caused the crash. In fact, the operation was aimed at defeating the separatist movements in the Donbass, and to move against Russian-held Crimea.


The new film reveals that a secret Malaysian military operation took custody of the MH17 black boxes on July 22, preventing the US and Ukraine from seizing them. The Malaysian operation, revealed in the film by the Malaysian Army colonel who led it, eliminated the evidence for the camouflage story, reinforcing the German Government’s opposition to the armed attack, and forcing the Dutch to call off the invasion on July 27.


The 28-minute documentary by Max van der Werff and Yana Yerlashova has just been released. Yerlashova was the film director and co-producer with van der Werff and Ahmed Rifazal. Vitaly Biryaukov directed the photography. Watch it in full here.



Anonymous ID: 7ec632 July 23, 2019, 11:39 p.m. No.7157550   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Goyim! The Cabalists are Gaslighting You


God is ultimate reality. Mankind is inflicted by a cancer called Cabalism (Satanism.) Its goal is to supplant God and redefine reality according to its interests and perversions. Thus it must

sever our ties with truth by making us question reality. This is called "gaslighting." They are positioned to do this through their control of information and discourse (i.e mass media and education.)


Remember, Cabalists are not just Jews. They are Freemasons, the goy elite installed by the Jewish central bankers. These traitors are our "leaders."


What follows are ten examples of gaslighting. There are hundreds. I don't intend to dive deep but simply illustrate the point.



"Gaslighting" is a mind-control technique used by individuals and governments to gain or maintain control by making victims question their own sanity and thereby submit to authoritarian rule. It's a common tactic of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. If done slowly, victims don't realize how much their cognitive faculties are compromised. Victims are defenceless which explains why the results can be devastating.


A more psychological definition of gaslighting is "an increasing frequency of systematically withholding factual information from, and/or providing false information to, the victim - having the gradual effect of making them anxious, confused, and less able to trust their own memory and perception.Doing something to upset someone, waiting for them to react, then standing back in pretend ignorance saying "what? what did I do?"


In no particular order:


  1. The Romans killed Christ. In the Talmud, Jews take credit for murdering Christ.


  1. The holocaust. While "holocaust denier" David Irving admits two million Jews were gassed, the Jewish holocaust is a distraction from the larger picture: the real holocaust was the murder of 60 million goyim in World War Two, including six million "anti semites" ( aka Nazis.) The Jewish halocaust is used to disarm the goyim with guilt, but in fact Zionists put Hitler in power and funded him. The fact that "Holocaust" is capitalized in spellchecks is another instance of gaslighting.


  1. 9-11. Obviously no plane hit WTC 7 or the Pentagon. Probably no plane hit the WTC. The public is forced to accept obvious lies. The same applies to the assassinations of JFK, MLK and Robert Kennedy. Reporter on site- "No evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon." (Later McIntyre was forced to walk back his report. Notice announcer's hand sign.) If airplane fuel brought down the twin towers, why are the first responders dying of cancers caused by radiation?


  1. "Russian collusion" This notion that Russian interfered with the 2016 elections was in the headlines for two years without any explanation of how this was accomplished or proofs. One man writes: "As a pastor I have heard families watching the apparently unstoppable descent of a loved one into physical or mental illness ask: "What are we to do?" That's the query of sorrowing citizens peering into the figurative padded cells that Washington institutions are becoming."


  1. The assault on gender. The human rights of 98% of the population are under constant assault but the "rights" of deviant minorities are the only ones that matter. Obviously they are being used as a pretext to attack and undermine the heterosexual majority. Other examples of gender gaslighting include mixed sex bathrooms, trannies in bathrooms and libraries, and children being given gender changing hormones and operations. A girl is suspended for asking to be excused from this pernicious indoctrination. A grad student is suspended for saying men can't become women. Makes you question reality doesn't it?


And what about feminism? Convincing women to squander their most fertile years pursuing career instead of family, only to play catch-up later when it's too late. That gaslighting has ruined the lives of millions and helped to shred the social fabric.


  1. The promotion of homosexuality which is a developmental disorder. This is passed off as normal and inborn.