Anonymous ID: f76558 July 23, 2019, 11:50 p.m. No.7157589   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>i have not laughed as much as i have today in a long time

>thank you "maga coalition"


I cannot literally believe the levels of clown world we're living in when we have the Who's Who list of Fake Paytriots banding together to try to sue a website to obtain the identity of a near-mythological folk figure working to destroy the Evil Powers that Be because this figure said mean but true words about them


They can't envision anything wrong with their plan? Do they not realize how much publicity and attention this is going to bring to Q? Do they not realize that whether or not Q is really a MIL-INT figure, he has the tacit approval of President Trump and his administration and is likely to be protected from lawsuits by any memes necessary?


This shit's gonna be good.

Anonymous ID: f76558 July 23, 2019, 11:51 p.m. No.7157594   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Brauchen Sie Daniel Lotion?


Danielfaggot disappeared around the same time as Finkelstein shill, who's now been gone a week or more.


Makes you think.

Anonymous ID: f76558 July 23, 2019, 11:52 p.m. No.7157599   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A super cute dark-haired young Christian girl. As long as DHS does at least minimal work to keep illegals from voting and minimize overt Democrat voter fraud, Stella should have this in the bag.

Anonymous ID: f76558 July 23, 2019, 11:54 p.m. No.7157608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7619 >>7625 >>7626 >>7648 >>7674


>This is just the same asshole who posts the anime porn using his other device to tell you filtering is bad.


No, it's not. Anime faggot has been posting here a long time and is not an IP hopper or a shill. He may piss you off but he's a normal anon who is more or less on America's side. And even he agrees that it's necessary to filter people like tranny pedo faggot.

Anonymous ID: f76558 July 23, 2019, 11:55 p.m. No.7157617   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Antifa Drives Ted Cruz & His Wife Out Of A Washington DC Restaurant


Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake


All these unhinged theatrics are really bad optics for the Democrats\Leftists. Normies see this shit and go "wow, these people are fucked up."

Anonymous ID: f76558 July 23, 2019, 11:59 p.m. No.7157643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7721


>You have already lost


Typical boomer response when your ignorance leaves you no recourse other than making a lame and cringy attempt to tell "the shills" their days are numbered. Pack it in, stupid, and wipe the drool off your chin. Pic related is you

Anonymous ID: f76558 July 24, 2019, 12:01 a.m. No.7157649   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>That bling cross is wrong.


Are you able to cite scripture that agrees with your statement or is that just an opinion?


I prefer if you please.

Anonymous ID: f76558 July 24, 2019, 12:03 a.m. No.7157660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7692


>hey look, the cross is upside down over the Earth


It's called a shadow, the sun is rising behind it, it symbolizes Christ's message and love spread across the Earth. I know with your level of education, shadows likely scare you, but don't worry. They are a natural thing that occurs when something is backlit, not created by the devil.


It's ok.


>filter whoever the fuck you want

>or dont


Thanks for that useless non-statement, as if I need your permission to do something or not. Very kind of you, considering I derive all my rights and permissions from your statement. Bless you, anon.


Filtering is not my style but that fucker made over 200 tranny anime posts, sorry but that's over the line for me. I filtered him and I don't feel bad about it.

Anonymous ID: f76558 July 24, 2019, 12:11 a.m. No.7157693   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Anime faggot has been here about a week


>Tranny child porn cartoons faggot has been here about a day


You're wrong on both counts. Tranny faggot has become a bigger nuisance (again) since Captcha was removed but he's been around a long time and posting similar shit all the while. While captcha was active he got very lazy. Lately his desperation has increased because of his illness and whatever's going on in his IRL that makes him believe he's being targeted. We've had interactions with him for at least several months with occasional week-long periods of inactivity but he becomes active when Q does because he thinks Q is responsible for the attacks on him.


Anime faggot comes and goes. He's a normal shitposter and I presume has some degree of IRL that pulls him way for periods of time just like most of the rest of us. I've seen his posts as long ago as 3 months ago, and don't try to say it wasn't him. The style is unmistakable. He's not a newfag and he's not AFLB as some have been saying.

Anonymous ID: f76558 July 24, 2019, 12:15 a.m. No.7157706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7719 >>7730


>lol you seem angry


Pic related is ME!




Trust me, son, I have loads of fun on this board or I wouldn't be here as often as I am.


>its a bad pic/painting imo, thats all


Fair enough, you're entitled to your opinions, I kinda like it and I don't see the occult connotations that you do.


>btw, dont forget to check with me before you post again

>my permission is needed ha ha


Please, sir, can you renew my permission for my next 10 posts it will save me time asking over and over. Please.



Yours in Christ,


Anonymous ID: f76558 July 24, 2019, 12:26 a.m. No.7157756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7792 >>7798 >>7873

So I'm still really torn on Mueller and Rosenstein. We have a Schroedinger's Cat situation with them being simultaneously white hats and black hats, because we anons don't have enough information to be really SURE which they are. There are compelling arguments for both conclusions, as many of you have posted over the past several years;


I really love reading on this subject but given our position as little better than normies, I don't feel like we're getting much closer to being sure if Mueller and RR have taken deals or were part of the plan all along and playing deep cover roles to get the Cabal\Deep State\whatever to swallow the bait.


Tomorrow may change that. The Dems are really relying on Mueller's testimony for their next attempt to stop POTUS, but Q and POTUS have dangled the idea that this hearing could be a trap for the Dems and they may not like what they dig up. But now we've got a surprise Clinton attorney Aaron Zebley accompanying Mueller to the hearing, and POTUS shrieks that "this isn't fair! The Dems are cheating!"


However, what do we know about POTUS? He's a master of shitposting and 4D chess who has heavily studied The Art of War and even named his seminal book The Art of the Deal after it. And one of the most memorable quotes from TAOW is "Appear strong when you are weak and weak when you are strong." So does POTUS know something we don't about the impending results of Mueller's testimony with Zebley?


Aaron Zebley


Zebley was part of the FBI team that investigated the September 11th attacks. He was involved in the trial of al-Qaeda operative Zacarias Moussaoui, who was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.


Zebley also played a role in tracking down terrorists behind the twin US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.


More recently, Zebley once represented former Clinton aide Justin Cooper, who helped manage her private server.


Wow, this fuckin' guy is DIRTY. He and Mueller worked together, directly or indirectly, to hide the truth of 9\11. Are they going to try the same shit again tomorrow and bury the truth of the illegal RussiaGate witch hunt? Do they think POTUS isn't on to them? Is this all part of the plan?


I'm fucking excited, get the popcorn, for fuck's sake!

Anonymous ID: f76558 July 24, 2019, 12:40 a.m. No.7157803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7815 >>7819


>can we get a ton of patriots ready to crack some fucking skulls at the PDX rally on 8/17/2019?


No. Fuck off, you honeypot kike mother fucker. NONE of us are interested in your violence-glorifying moron convention.


Every stupid piece of shit that shows up to this rally is asking for whatever happens to them, exactly like the ones that went to Unite the Right despite that we warned them it was being organized by Jason Kessler, an Obama supporter who was heavily involved in Occupy Wall Street, and that it was a honey pot.


Your posts are cancer, violence faggot. Kick rocks and go jump off the nearest bridge, you're even less intelligent than the "MAGA RIOTS" faggot. Melt in an AIDS fire, thanks.

Anonymous ID: f76558 July 24, 2019, 1:08 a.m. No.7157907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7917 >>8017



>Fuck off with the Goetus bullshit faggot.


Shove your opinion up your salty pussy, queerbait. Guess what? We're caught in a really nasty struggle right now. We see dark fucking shit every day. Some of it leaves you messed up for weeks. We're under constant attack by the goons and shills of the globalist elite who are worth TRILLIONS of dollars. Amidst all that horror and darkness, guess what?


Morale is important.


So you know what? If people enjoy calling President Trump "God Emperor of the United States", so what? It's fun. They enjoy it. It's an expression of love for their President, who is the first one ostensibly working in their favor in around 24-28 years; for many of these people, the first good President in their lifetime.


So FUCK YOU and your attempt to shit on what they enjoy. Go fucking fall in an open manhole and choke on some shit water.


Those of us who feel like saluting our God-Emperor WILL DO SO and you can't do shit about it. Faggot.

