Anonymous ID: 57aebb July 24, 2019, 2 a.m. No.7158109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8113 >>8202

>>7158017 (PB)

>BTW you can call we what ever the fuck you want but actually think about the message I am trying to send.


Fair enough, but in the post you made you did not articulate any of that. You appeared to simply be shitting on anime anon for the GEOTUS quip, which I've actually seen quite a few times, accompanied with comments like "Go back to Reddit faggot." To me that seems like bullying for no real benefit. While I get many religious anons may think the term is blasphemous, I believe God sees our hearts and knows it is not intended to diminish Him. Some feel that He sent Trump to us; that Trump is a gift from God. While the term God-Emperor is a reference to Warhammer 40K, we can also instead take it to mean he's the Emperor given to us by God. I don't think it's quite as divisive as you imply, and if some are taking it that way, perhaps they should consider the positive motivations of those using the term and lighten up a little. As I said, morale is important, and we each maintain our morale in different ways. After all, what's really standing between us and being fucked up the ass by the Global Elite Xenos besides Trump?


>>7157959 (PB)

>Only on wednesdays.

>When I can’t.

>I just walk out the front door and pee in the bushes and make the squirrels jealous.


I've gotten in the habit of taking off my shoes and socks. That way when I miss, I don't have to go around the rest of the day with soggy footwear. I can just swish my feet around in the toilet bowl and then dry them off on the clothing of whoever else is in the restroom.


I'm not welcome in Applebee's anymore, man.

Anonymous ID: 57aebb July 24, 2019, 2:04 a.m. No.7158120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8124


>But I already talked to my neighbors while wearing my MAGA hat..


You've got more balls than I do, lol. That thing stays in my closet until I'm headed to a Trump rally. Not interested in getting into a gunfight over my headwear!

Anonymous ID: 57aebb July 24, 2019, 2:06 a.m. No.7158131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8143


>You'd be surprise how many people are closeted Trump Supporters.


Yeah, just probably not the Mexican families that have 13 people in a 2-bedroom apartment. LOL