Anonymous ID: c60cf2 July 24, 2019, 1:37 a.m. No.7158030   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8038 >>8139

Pattern wise, in regards to previous patterns of various different strategies employed by both POTUS and the anti American left, tomorrow may actually be something big. Typically, when it comes to the POTUS if he is trolling or setting someone up he has several specific strategies he employs which includes very specific people around him doing things as well.


In this case the patterns line up almost flawlessly to several previous issues when big reveals took place such as the original FUSION shit, etc. On top of that the media always tells us the story even through their corrupt deception and they are pushing articles all over the country which tries to tell the American people what they should "watch for" in trying to keep them focused on several things. At the SAME time we have had other issues globally which tend to line up with a big American happening or reveal.


As far as pattern I think the stage may be set for a big day tomorrow but I do not think it will be declass and I do not think it will come from the hearing itself. The past patterns line up with something else, something bigger actually. It is not a perfect science of course but I have never been wrong with these patterns (not once) in several decades including the false flag predictions and so on. So I think tomorrow may become something big unless the POTUS and media have altered their typical patterns at the last moment but the chances of that are extremely small. So, yeahโ€ฆ. I predict a serious reveal or serious issue happening today as the build up to such things always follows the same trends and patterns from the same groups and people. Hopefully it is a good happening.

Anonymous ID: c60cf2 July 24, 2019, 1:44 a.m. No.7158054   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8068 >>8092


For anons who have been here awhile and are typically on during night shift they will know what I am referring to as we have discussed this many times over through the years. I am not going to go into the long explanation and will simply say that every post/tweet, every article/media narrative, every accusation (false), every recent bust/major global issue, every global deployment/potential military action, every recent military deployment, where the deployment was, what it was for, how long it lasted, what the public was told it was, and many other issues are constantly streamed in my mind and pieced together (thus I call it patterns) and from there I form a logical likely destination as to what I believe will be the result, why it is happening, when, and so on. As another anon said awhile back - "next level autism" but in truth it is low latent inhibition so I just see the patterns in everything and can piece them together for a logical conclusion.


Just to be clear though, I could be wrong so I don't want to make it appear like I have some inside information or am somebody special because neither is true. I am just a person who streams and connects information at a very high level and in the past it has worked out many times over to predict events based on all that raw data.

Anonymous ID: c60cf2 July 24, 2019, 1:53 a.m. No.7158088   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I am not excusing her in any way, or any of them. If I had it my way they would be removed from society immediately and without mercy should any of them be connected to serious issues. I am merely saying that as it stands in Hollywood I have no doubt that these molestations, rapes, and so on, have been at a different level over the past few decades since there has been a change of management per say.


The issues in Hollywood line up flawlessly with the rise of the porn industry, the breakdown of society in many ways, the attacking of society in many ways, the attack on the nuclear family, the indoctrination of kids at schools, and so on and so forth. A guy like Feldman for example, I have no doubt he is telling the truth and truly was raped and molested but I do not for one second believe people like him did not partake and are not degenerates as well considering they have been in that world their entire life and it is all they know. That is a big reason I was always so suspicious of Kappy and called him out on it many times over.


As far as I am concerned Hollywood needs new management in totality and anyone involved in any of those issues should be permanently removed from society in the harshest of terms. Those who have worked with foreign government to harm the country I love should be immediately crucified and those who have harmed my fellow Americans should experience schapism.

Anonymous ID: c60cf2 July 24, 2019, 1:57 a.m. No.7158099   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Then you either do not have the intelligence to comprehend simple statements or you didn't bother to read what was written because it explains it and even explains why I kept it simplistic. Those such as yourself who do not either read statements or do not have the intelligence to comprehend simple statements have no business in any sort of investigative discussion as all you do is clog up discussion and waste time. Read it again or get lost as you are wasting the legitimate researchers time by them needing to spell things out for you. Only the media, leftists or muzzleheads are that moronic. Don't be like the media.

Anonymous ID: c60cf2 July 24, 2019, 2:13 a.m. No.7158158   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8185


The Catholic church issues are something that other anons have been concentrating on more as I have had it up to here with their bullshit over the past few decades and am embarrassed for what they have been kicking out with statements and so on. The entire Vatican is foreign controlled at this point from their connections with Soros to their connections with China to the constant pedo shit, etc. Thankfully we have some great anons here who have been all over that and the PG shit as I like to look into other aspects of our investigation but I have no doubt that all those assholes are up to their ears in despicable shit.


The DS had decades to control everything and in that route they most definitely took a lot of interest with the Catholic church, Mormon church and Christianity in general.

Anonymous ID: c60cf2 July 24, 2019, 2:20 a.m. No.7158179   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>While your busy chasing symbology and focused on the Masons.

I am not focused on either. My investigation amounts to a focus that has never been gone over here and along that route I go over findings now and again. The Masons and all the (very) high end individuals are, as you say, unknown puppet masters and have yet to truly be revealed. I have my suspicions on who a few are but those are issues way above me and can only be dealt with by the POTUS and his team. Trump is legitimately the only man alive equipped to know about and know just how bad these individuals truly are and how much they truly control.


Without Trump none of this would be possible. With Trump we are knocking the lower and mid level personnel out one by one but sooner or later I have no doubt he/his team will make a massive move and round the nameless in. He has to as his entire family and their future are at risk with those people still on the board so he knows that he has to remove them because if he doesn't by the time his second term ends they will come at him/his family like there is no tomorrow. That right there, that, that is why I am confident he is serious about going after these people. Because he loves his country and true American brethren but most of all because he knows they will come after his family that he loves the moment he is no longer in a position to defend them and Trump would never allow that to happen so he will do whatever is needed to handle them all.


This is why I laugh a bit to myself when thinking about how fucked those corrupt media members truly are as well as the others working with the corrupt and anti American types. They may act coy and may think that he won't dare come after them but there is absolutely no way, none, zero, nil, no way at all they are left on the board once the dust settles.

Anonymous ID: c60cf2 July 24, 2019, 3:34 a.m. No.7158384   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8390


JP Morgan, interesting, eh? I admit I never bothered with looking into the MAGA Coalition or bothered with them at all. However, I did look into and expose Nemos when the book came out and showed how he tried to start a cult (literally - old notables) so I find this issue interesting a bit in that we have cult leader fag Nemos versus whoever these assholes are and who Q apparently called out specifically.


Patterns in this remind me of something from Ben Shapiro back about twelve years ago. If I was more awake I would look more into it but the strategy and precise words being used by this MAGA Coalition remind me very much of Shapiro and an issue he dealt with Sharpton and many others years back. Someone should look into and find out if Shapiro is involved with this coalition.


I mean we have the most corrupt county in the country where they are based out of (Miami) and yet this woman has numerous different areas and non profits all with oddities and then she comes out of left field and is somehow involved in a lawsuit against 8chan to unmask people? In her case there is something about her that really reminds me of the girl from Pennsylvania from a year or so back who claimed she stopped a "QAnon" assassin going to a Trump rally and we dug hard into that situation.


Something odd is going on here. Everything in my gut is telling me that these people are all connected.

Anonymous ID: c60cf2 July 24, 2019, 3:44 a.m. No.7158418   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I just checked and it is not in earlier notables anon. Not all of it at least. I really don't care about the MAGA coalition group so whatever either way but for those looking into that issue that data will help them.


I think what is happening here is Nemos scammed two of them for his book, kept all the cash, they got pissed and a Twitter battle took place to which called them out as paytriots and now they are butthurt and trying to recoup what they think they are owed by Nemos backstab which even a retard could have foreseen coming. All those paytriots are just complete numbskulls of the highest epic level.

Anonymous ID: c60cf2 July 24, 2019, 3:53 a.m. No.7158459   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Yeah I have but only on my waste computer which is dedicated to social media digging. So they have nothing on that but, yes you are right, Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc have the data on everyone. That is why it is always best not to be a retard online or, worse yet, accept the 5 bucks an hour to shill for some asshole.


So glad I never got into the whole social media bullshit as the amount of data they have on people is probably mind boggling in terms of what we do not know about.

Anonymous ID: c60cf2 July 24, 2019, 4 a.m. No.7158492   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8593


For anons who are interested in the investigative process and reading people pay attention to the patterns from both the questions that will be asked by the left (leading questions) and the responses. They will play off each other and set the stage for a strategy which will become obvious while, at the exact same time, CNN, ABC, NBC, etc will echo that exact narrative as it happens.


We will know the left strategy early and we will also know early what Mueller's strategy will be and how the GOP plans to expose the true issue. Watch for objections by the leftist Congress members as they will object to anything that they do not want discussed and those objections to those things are what we need to dig into at a later time.

Anonymous ID: c60cf2 July 24, 2019, 4:15 a.m. No.7158560   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8601 >>8621


They will fail. I listened to their statement and they have no legal ground to stand on after I read the Q post which was, in no way, libelous. They may have a case against anyone who threatened them or, on their own, decided to slander them but as it stands they have nothing that could produce an actual civil litigation based merely on someone posting an image of a tweet with nothing pertinent that could be seen as libelous. I love how they try to make it appear like they are some law experts but, whatever, their problem and the problem of those who were dumbasses and messaged them if anyone actually did which I really do not believe as this is the first I have even bothered looking into them as they/Twitter types are not worth the time or any actual anons time.


In my opinion what happened here is they got fucked over by scammer Nemos and my opinion is they are themselves are owned or puppet mastered by another group which is using them to try to unmask QAnon. At this point every single one of us is known anyhow so those who do not act like retards and merely enjoy the investigation and discussion about these things have nothing to worry about but the idiots who do their "Q sent me!" or other stupid social media crap may have an issue.


Just steer clear of Paytriots and the Twitter dingdongs for fucks sake. They are nothing more than money grubbers with long track records to substantiate that and Q has stated they are not to be trusted many times over.

Anonymous ID: c60cf2 July 24, 2019, 4:51 a.m. No.7158747   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8760

Holy shit the shills have converged massively over the past half hour. Yet another pattern that always tells us what is about to happen. See? You shills actually have a use in your miserable life. It must feel great to have a use for the first time in your existence, eh?

Anonymous ID: c60cf2 July 24, 2019, 4:53 a.m. No.7158767   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8773


Hook, line, sinker. You idiots truly always fall right into it, every single time. You do realize you just invalidated every single narrative you are pushing and now I know exactly what shill strategy you plan to use through the day, yes?


Vanity my dear shill, it always gets the worthless such as you just proved and you useless peasants continue to show time and time again. Never fails.

Anonymous ID: c60cf2 July 24, 2019, 4:57 a.m. No.7158795   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Angry that I forced a strategy change this late in the game, eh? Can't force feed your "rituals" and reptile shit this time around since account D just fucked that up for you. All that attempt to set the narrative stage all flushed because, as we all know, you idiots are quite literally the lowest IQ retards on the planet but, then again, what can one expect of a person being paid to type a script on a computer. Your life must be wondrous, a truly epic tale of a useless peasant one day, after being bent over by his Mother who is also his Father, was once convinced to make four dollars an hour to type a script on a keyboard.


Vanity my dear shill, you always give yourselves away and you have no chance to ever deal with a night shift anon. Does this upset you? It seems like it does. Go on, share your thoughts with us, we are here for you.