Where did this [clown] come from anyway?
There are a couple of people - and Thomas Volscho is one of them - who have crawled out of the woodwork to be featured front and center on this Epstein story.
(the other one is Whitney Webb. Watch that one)
Volscho is supposedly a professor of Sociology and CUNY but now he's the go-to on Epstein and privy to all kinds of hard to get information such as the Dalton archives which have been removed from the web. (Archives are still there but the years of Epstein's employment there are not available or even listed)
Then there's pic related, which he posted July 14.
close ups attached.
Note that it appears that the photographs of these documents were taken on the hood of a car (reflection, background clues)
He got his version of events published in the Daily Beast although he had no other writing credit.
He only made this twitter account in May 2019.
He is an adherent to "conflict theory" in his teaching & philosophy. Conflict theory is precursor to critical theory. Conflict theory is about causing conflict, not simply researching it. It is a revolutionary political ideology. What I'm trying to say is that Thomas Volscho is a candidate for progressive marxist subversive along the lines of that commie Mark Bray.
Images purport to show Epstein paying rent (?) on a state department property.
Interdasting AF if true, but why can't I trust this guy?