Apparently the Republicans on each of these House Committees got together to design a comprehensive line of questioning, which doesn’t often happen.
There were many lines of questions in the morning session that were very good. A Few may have gotten bogged down into needless detail vs killer follow ups, but it was amazing to see Republicans get their act together.
Mueller is the leading British officer in the POW camp and film, “The Bridge on River Kwai”. My view was that the character that Alec Guiness played the British Colonel that truly cared about the people under his command, but lost site of his other duties as a leader until the last scenes. I have since changed my views, because Mueller obviously believes in his Swamp principles…..One of them is No One outside the Swamp should be considered legitimate.
Donald Trump is much worse than Reagan for the Left, because Trump had No Political experience. Mueller is a swamp gate keeper and figurehead. I now think that Sundance got the analogy perfect.
Our President, Donald Trump, is trying to do what is logical and makes sense for our Nation. I like the fact that he punches back, but there are a fews times were silence would be golden.
In my church association (Bible believing/trying to live our faith and sometimes failing) we do not talk politics very often at all. I do not know where Donald Trump stands in his faith/knowledge per our Savior Jesus-God – that is also not an issue politically for others here. That is not a problem for me, because our President is trying to do the best and logical policy for America. He has Zero support from Democrats on most issues and limited support from Republicans too.