>>7165902 lb Love cats… but your meme is an old persian warding off of evil… usually accompanied by smoke. Persian…. muslim. Are you attempting to protect the muslim shills or ?. If not, keep the cats coming. Any and all spells are removed, in Jesus name. Amen.
>>7166518 bro, this is all the faith you gotta have to move mountains…….
When Jesus was in the garden, where he took the cup, asking the Father, let this pass from me, never the less, Thy will be done…. this is some of the stuff HE paid for…. in the Garden he took all… ALL SIN…. upon Himself. Totally innocent of sin, and took all of it for mankind. Someday all will face HIM and have to explain… So Anons, if HE has already seen it all…. so can we. Just pass it by, it is nothing. Filter if it bothers you, they only harm themselves.
>>7166998 Ask God. Perhaps it is not the touching as much as the declarations of it.