to post, fuck him, let him post, but the fuckery that goes on after he does is beyond me. I vote, IMHO, to filter every dumbass who answers fakeQfaggot… I'm ready to be comfy
Im so tired of all the newfags , stupidfags and highschoolfags responding to fakeQ. I don't even care if the motherducker posts. If fakeQ wants to ,fuck him, let him post, but the fuckery that goes on after he does is beyond me. I vote, IMHO, to filter every dumbass who answers fakeQfaggot… I'm ready to be comfy
That's because you've been here long enough or you know how to read. But these stupid newfags are too much. I'm filtering. Fuckem!!! Fuckem all. Kek.
From now on, you shall be known as the comfymakerfag. Bless you!
That habbened