The democrat inability to accept reality needs a radical adjustment. THEY are guilty of what they accuse Trump of doing, and the garbage people like Bette Midler and Rob Reiner continue to lie and lie and lie….START ARRESTING THE REAL CRIMINALS, EXPOSE THE REAL EVIDENCE, DECLAS…GET THESE BASTARDS!!!!
Thanks…that's nice…more coming.
But this is worth remembering too. The democrats went too far today. They are traitors. We know they are traitors. Unlike them, we have TRUCKLOADS of evidence.
It's long past due to clean up this den of liars.
We need to see them in handcuffs plz.
[Adam Schiff] [Hillary Clinton] [Nadler] [Cummings] [ALL OF THOSE WHO CHAMPION THIS WITCH HUNT–FUCKING ALL OF THEM]