>allow me to introduce u 2 where all religions come from…
When Damascus gets wiped off the map, never to be inhabited again, that will be a biblical prophecy the whole world will recognize. God controls history. That is one of His proofs.
The last time I heard was that Damascus is the longest continuously inhabited city on the planet. It'll be a real big deal when it goes down.
Tell me, do you understand that God placed Trump in office? No, based on your previous message. It was crystal clear for me to see that was the case. It is a lot easier for me to see where we are this is all heading because of my belief. Good and evil did not evolve. They exist for an exact reason. It's good for your beliefs to be built on a solid foundation.
I am just informing you that it is a prophecy in the bible and we might see it come true in our lifetime.
Someone was asking for proof of God. Fulfillment of the prophecies is one way He proves himself to us.
Move on.
I hated Dodd.
It's stupid to damn a whole race/nationality over a handful that get their names on TV.
He's the genius. Let Trump be Trump.
God continues to Bless America.