holy sh…
euanon just got up. Whats that mess with the breads?
Makes sense. Thx.
When masses aggregate they tend to build spheres. it just the biggest volume with the smallest surface. thats why the universe likes spheric shapes. this fe shit makes me sick. Normaly i don't respond and filter. But this amount of ignorance gets me triggered. I will fight for your right to insist on this theory. but don't you think this may the wrong place to discuss this subject?
Hold my friend… hold….250 to go….
You know what?
I consider myself atheistic. But i love this part of the bible:
Proverbs 18:2
Fools find no pleasure in understanding, but delight in airing their own opinions.
We all do ;) Nice to see things start to move. But he isnt one of those i'd really like to see doing it.
Then it shall be so…
When the video is so gruesome as we think, there will be only a handful of people that will actually see it. I as germananon remember the case of the cannibal of rothenburg. He killed his victim on cam, sliced it in half and so on…. this video never left the court… so i think this one won't be either.
oh… and they both can't do a proper fist btw.. (just filling)