POTUS was subjected to intense savagery for over 3 years now by the left, & the media and connections were made to prove that those who scream the loudest have the most to hide.
He is enjoying watching them squirm like rattlesnakes on a skillet.
As far as critical mass being reached in Normieland, I suggest the schadenfreude he is fucking yuuugely entitled to outweighs the need for such a slow roll out of DECLAS IG reports & the seeming eternity it is taking for all this to to unfold.
Remember Israel is being kept for last, (you don't face the Big Boss on level 1 2 or 3) so that, Anon frens keeps a perpetual smile on my face as we witness the chosenites flail desperately when moar is gradually unveiled.
The shilling here, the left's & the Corporate Media panic is sweet confirmation we are winning Anons.