habbenings are going to cause an influx of new users to the site
goreshill wants to make them so disgusted with 8ch that they will leave before they get woke
habbenings are going to cause an influx of new users to the site
goreshill wants to make them so disgusted with 8ch that they will leave before they get woke
for goreshill
Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux / Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux
Vade Retro Satana / Nunquam Suade Mihi Vana
Sunt Mala Quae Libas / Ipse Venena Bibas
do you share my conviction that if all the nations of the world were to suddenly drop the pentagrams, aka 'five-pointed stars', from their flags tomorrow, the satanic influence in the word would suddenly be curtailed?
i, for one, do not idolize the 'Founding Fathers' of the USA - some of them were fine gentlemen; others were practicing satanists up to no good. the flag they came up with, the Constitution they wrote, all this and more must be viewed with discernment rather than blind trust/worship.
in this case why do you care whether some person in the UK approves all the nations' flags?