KEK…sorry Jew its too late for that.
Impeach, impeach, impeach….not going to work.
Stop with the Jew sand nigger shit. No one cares about your Jew quotes.
Quoting Jews propaganda bullshit that got compiled to control people is retarded. No one believes your Jew Bible porn. We know you kikes made that shit up.
No such thing as an anti'semite……kikes made up the word in the 1800's to brow beat humans.
Sorry Kike we see you.
No matter how much the Kikes cry. Remember what giving them mercy gets you. More shit. Look how the Kikes beg. Dont get distracted.
Gandhi was a Jew? Figures. I have a short hand that anyone Hollywood makes a movie about in a good light is a Jew. It seems to be accurate.
Always thought Pinnochoi was an allegory about Jews. They are born with out a soul and want to be a real person but they lie too much and their noses just get bigger and bigger.
Thats not Donald. Look at the nose. Thats a fucking Jew.
They give you no option but to compile their fuckery. After a while even the most cuck have to admit.
Its the Jews.