Ghost gun means no Serial number. Not serial number rubbed off. There never was one. Illegal as hell.
I love Texas wine anyway. Buy local anons!
Sad. Is that all you got MagaCo? You’re a bunch of scammers and assholes. That’s why you lost your followers. Including myself. Adam, Ginger and Glenn. You are the reason.
So is Trump wine! I bought the red last year. It’s pricey but good.
Mmhmm. What ever you say. Maybe it’s you Lia. Or Panda. You suck Adam’s cock.
Not fair. Ivana was gorgeous when she was young. Looked just like Ivanka does. But Melania is the most beautiful flotus ever
Did I out you? So sorry assholes
Hrs saying congress can amend the law but they don’t want to because it’s not good for Dems.